
  • Essay / The Role of Social Control in Youth Crime

    Moving to the weaknesses, with academic and professional goals being part of this theory in explaining the element of commitment, there is an unsuccessful integration of certain factors such as family socio-economic status and capacity that studies consider crucial in progress towards achieving goals. This can be explained by the theory of deformations. This theory explains that crime is caused by tensions that are made up of situations, environmental or economic and not just by the negative relationship between two individuals. Being unable to achieve one's goals due to certain circumstances such as lack of opportunities will cause tension in a person. This then motivates people to engage in delinquent acts. Certain factors can dissuade young people from pursuing their goals. Like belonging to a lower social class or having few or no resources available. For example, young people can commit to having a goal of pursuing higher education, which will allow them to focus on striving to achieve this, instead of participating in antisocial activities in fear of not being able to achieve their goal. objective. However, if one cannot afford to pay the school fees due to the factors mentioned above, the youth will be subjected to tension as the chances of achieving the goal will be diminished, making it possible for them to to become delinquents. It is therefore not enough to have commitments to keep young people away from delinquency. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Another weakness is the overvaluation of the importance of involvement in prosocial activities and the undervaluation of delinquent friends. This means that even if young people use their time productively by engaging in positive activities, this does not mean that they cannot or will not engage in antisocial activities after participating in the positive activities. Additionally, through such prosocial activities, a youth can bond with other friends who also engage in delinquent acts after participating in the prosocial activities. In addition, there is also a high chance that young people have connections with delinquent friends at school, which could encourage them to become delinquent. For example, smoking or committing property crimes after participating in prosocial activities. Application on youth crime A crime can be committed not only by an adult, but also by a young person. This is called juvenile delinquency, also called juvenile delinquency or juvenile delinquency. This is the action of a young person under the age of 18 who engages in illegal behavior. Many risk factors contribute to a young person committing a crime. Some of the major factors include delinquent friends, school influences, community influences, parental monitoring and discipline, parental conflict and separation, personality, and many more. Typically, youth who are at high or imminent risk are more likely to be involved in juvenile crime. Like any other crime, juvenile delinquency can also be curbed. Through social control theory, it is likely that youth crime can be curbed. Most of the time, young people stray from the right path because of the influence of their delinquent friends. This will allow them to get involved in anti-social activities such as underage smoking after school, which constitutes,.