
  • Essay / European Imperialism in Africa and Asia - 1516

    Introduction: The age of imperialism cannot be defined simply as the proliferation of inflated egos linked to the hardened views of nationalists, but also as a rivalry multi-faceted world with roots of philosophies tainted by racism and social Darwinism. Each imperialist's technique was specific to the motivations and desires of each fighting power, primarily Western, and subsequently impacted the success of each imperialist and its colonies. Driven by industrialization, Europeans were aware of the urgent need for raw materials and new markets to maintain a constant rate of expansion and wealth. Imperialism has become a competition; In general, European countries took the lead with fervor while non-Western regions seemed likely to be trampled. Britain was blessed with geographical and political advantages that allowed it to become the first country to unwittingly fall into industrialization. Britain was an island and therefore had developed a unique naval force which then gave it leverage when globalization developed through the expansion of maritime trade. Meanwhile, the rest of Europe, including Belgium, was lagging behind. Currently, colonized regions still bear the traits and scars of the enslavers of their past. Intensity of rule: [comparing conquerors] As a political figure, King Leopold of Belgium had minimal power, but he recognized the political and financial benefits of colonization, and acquired the Congo as a private colony while Britain seized colonies globally, including the "jewel" of all colonies, India. Belgium and Great Britain demonstrated a blatant contradiction between two opposing methods of colonization. The methods of domination of these two countries ultimately decided the fate of each party,...... middle of paper...... the disparity in prestige between the two nations contrasts greatly since the Belgian Congo was strictly a state slave trade used as resources, the Belgians did not offer Western education to their subordinates. As light was shed on the abomination that was the Belgian Congo, historians and explorers flocked to witness the inhumane treatment meted out to the devastated colony. Joseph Conrad, a Polish novelist, recounts the character Charlie Marlow, a sailor during the era of imperialism, who personally witnessed the treatment of the Congolese and said: "After all, it was just a show wild, while I seemed inevitably transported to a dark region of subtle horrors, where pure and simple savagery was a positive relief, being something that had the right to exist - obviously - in the sun . (Marlow) Marlow refers sympathetically to the Congolese