
  • Essay / Struggles of Minority Groups - 1098

    Struggles of Minority GroupsOn July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was issued, it declared "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal..." But our new The nation still participates in the practice of slavery - of African Americans. until the conclusion of the Civil War in the 1860s, after many efforts to secure the rights and privileges of citizens. At the time, America was welcoming immigrants from all over the world, with issues of racial segregation for multiple minority groups. Women and people with disabilities have also fought for fairness and equality. American minority groups face discrimination and racism. And he had to stand up to be treated equally. How have minority groups such as immigrants, women, and African-Americans had to struggle to become full citizens? And what were the major points of this trip? On January 1, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln. Which made the slaves of the states fighting the Civil War free, but after the war slavery was abolished. This led to slaves fighting in the war, fighting for their own freedom. Slavery in the United States thanks to the Thirteenth Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment (1868) made former slaves citizens, they would have equal protection of the law. making them equal, remaining faithful to the laws. In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled that governments could discriminate/segregate people of different races, but separate facilities must be equal. In response to this loophole, loopholes were created, such as in the 1890s. African Americans were disenfranchised with taxes. He said taxes had to be paid first, before being allowed to vote, and that tests were administered to voters. voters who might be disappointed because of their skin. they were ...... middle of paper ...... for human rights. he was one of the most influential African Americans. After the assassinations of two very influential men, it showed that they were getting somewhere. What does being American and living in America mean? I can choose the job I want, have a good education, I can vote, and above all that means being free and proud. Many people wanted to achieve this, like Martin Luther King Jr., but the path was difficult and the laws did not require citizens to actually follow them. many people gave up their own chances to achieve this goal for everyone. All of these groups held protests to express their opinions and gain equal rights in America. Along with African Americans, women and Mexican Americans were able to be represented among the poor and slowly gained more political positions; have adopted effective positions on anti-discrimination legislation, to obtain better respect for their culture.