
  • Essay / Global Pollution: The Causes of Global Warming - 664

    Global warming is an extremely serious environmental problem that many people seem to know what it is, but not enough people care enough to provide a sufficiently serious change to our lifestyles. to repair the damage. Global warming has many general causes that could be slowed down to save the Earth. The damage resulting from these causes is most of the time irreversible. The future of our planet is bleak and we need to act now because there are many small, simple solutions that everyone can implement. Global warming is a very broad subject, so it has many causes, most of which are man-made. One of the problems facing our planet today is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is where, for various reasons, extremely dangerous gases become trapped in our atmosphere. Gases that contribute to this effect are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons. When we burn fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, we cause the release of gases such as carbon dioxide, which cause the greenhouse effect. Another cause is that the clearing of forests around the world releases a lot of carbon dioxide. Clearing forests poses many problems. Deforestation and massive gas emissions from trees are a huge problem that could easily be slowed. Burning coal also releases gases that contribute to global warming. Another cause of global warming is that as carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere dissolve, they dissolve in the ocean, making it more acidic. Global warming has many very solemn and serious consequences and damages. There are many damaging factors that differ in different regions of the world. The problem is that current carbon dioxide levels are around 400 ppm. This is more than 40% higher than the highest natural levels in the last 800 years...... middle of paper ...... lines in the oceans. Coastal areas of Greenland and Antarctica are expected to continue to melt and slide into the ocean. Scientists are noticing these problems on our planet and trying to find ways to reverse our damage. Solar energy reverses the climate crisis and harnesses the sun's energy. In Iceland, geothermal energy, which uses the fiery core of our planet, is a major use of recycling. The Thames floodgates protect London from high water, such as coastal meltwater. Large wind farms that harness the power of moving air are increasingly producing the world's natural energy. Seven simple ways normal people can help: turn food into fuel, build eco-friendly homes, change your light bulbs, light up your city with LEDs, use a clothesline, use geothermal energy, and make carpooling..