
  • Essay / Assessing the relationship between digital media and advertising

    Digital media and advertising have long been entangled in a love-hate relationship. The reason for this type of relationship is that they must depend on each other intimately. Apparently, advertising relies on digital media to ensure that their products can be seen by potential buyers and users, while digital media relies on advertising revenue to pay their bills. The problem arises because most customers, i.e. viewers, tend to focus on advertising where the products advertised are only relevant to them. In case the advertisement does not concern them, they are forced to move to other channels. It is because of this that digital media sites can lose many customers when they run a series of advertisements on their sites. For this reason, advertisers are forced to make their advertisements creative and therefore more attractive in the eyes of the audience. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay Therefore, the numerous advertisements on a digital site can generate more revenue for the company. The goal of every business is to ensure that expenses are minimal and profits are maximized. However, there is a conflict of interest because the company must also ensure that the needs of consumers are taken into account, as they are the ones who maintain the sites in terms of traffic. Digital sites must therefore find a balance between the amount of content they serve and the advertisements served to avoid losing customers due to the many distractions present on their sites. Consumers have found ways to avoid excessive advertisements on digital media. . The use of ad blockers is proving to be a significant setback for both digital media and advertising due to their mutual benefactors. Consumers have begun using platforms that allow them to skip TV ads and others that block digital ads. However, sites such as Yahoo fought back by withholding customer content and not publishing it until they disabled ad blockers on their sites. Keeping customer content is a bad decision because customers have many options like Gmail that they can still use. Keep in mind: this is just an example. Get a personalized article from our expert writers now. Get a Custom Essay The time has come for digital media and advertising to put their pride behind them and stop focusing on the issue of who needs the other more but focus on mutual development. They should come together and find ways to help change the industry to avoid the customer backlash they both need. However, if nothing is done, the industry risks collapsing in a short period of time, when ad blockers and TV ad skipping platforms may become the norm and customers will use them more. This would mean that advertising would not reach potential buyers and business sales would decline. The result is that companies remove their advertisements from digital media and therefore no revenue for digital media. Lack of advertising would be catastrophic for many digital media as they would decline.