
  • Essay / Life-Changing Decisions - 799

    For most of us, it is impossible to know how we would react to a situation that puts lives at stake. We can only truly know our reactions when we are faced with a situation such as a home invasion or natural disaster. However, we can determine one thing: in times of crisis, is it more important for us to save our own life or someone else's? In times of crisis, a person's actions often depend on their morals and values. It is common for a person to not only choose to save someone else's life, but also to choose the life of the person they will attempt to save. In the novel Wave of Destruction, Dang makes the decision to leave a woman trapped in the rubble of Thailand's deadly 2004 tsunami and instead attempt to search for her children (Krauss 122). When given the opportunity to choose to save the life of a family member or the life of a complete stranger, most people would choose to save their family member. When a person must make the decision to save their own life or that of a loved one, again, their decision is based on their morals. An article indicates that Dean Higgins, a 60-year-old Australian tourist, thrown into crisis when an avalanche occurred on the mountain he was climbing, chose to risk his life to extract his wife and three companions from the snow who had buried them. them. One of Mr Higgins' companions said: “He ended up saving everyone, but he was only wearing a t-shirt and couldn't save himself. He died of hypothermia. (Bill 52). In this case, a man knew that if he tried to save his family and friends, he would die. Those who believe that their loved ones are the top priority in their lives are often content to die for them. Robert J. Wright, a victim... middle of paper... unable to survive. It is common for people who are afraid of a crisis to choose to save their lives over the lives of others. In The Impossible, most of the people depicted were foreigners visiting Thailand. Because they were unprepared for a large-scale disaster, many of them believed that if they tried to help others it would cost them their lives, so they simply ignored anyone who needed help. help (Bayona 2012). Unfortunately, choosing to save one's own life rather than someone else's often results in harm to the unassisted person. Everyone reacts differently to a crisis. Some react in panic, others remain calm, and some become completely petrified. Regardless of one's reaction, a choice must be made when faced with the question: is it more important for you to save your own life or someone else's? ??