
  • Essay / We must protect our environment - 1004

    ATTENTION: Every day, I see the effects of pollution. From trash thrown in bushes to murky lakes to smog-filled skies, these are examples of man's negative impact on the environment. PURPOSE (state the specific purpose, relate the topic to the audience, and establish credibility): The cars we drive every day release toxic exhaust gases into the atmosphere that damage it. We should try to do better to reverse these effects now; otherwise, our world will continue to become dirtier and dirtier and will eventually become uninhabitable. STATE THESIS AND MAIN POINTS: I will persuade you that going green is a solution you could adopt to help improve the environment by first explaining the problem, then explaining the factors responsible for the pollution, and finally by listing the ways that can help to solve this problem.Connective: First of all, I will explain the problem we are facing.Body (3-5 MAIN POINTS TO PREFER)I. MAIN POINT (to be stated in a single declarative sentence): Pollution is a huge global problem that affects all living things on Earth.A. SUB-POINT: Pollution has had adverse effects on the environment.1. According to the World WildLife Fund, many ecosystems around the world are being destroyed, eliminating many plant and animal species that inhabit them (“Pollution”).2. And acid rain, created when water in the atmosphere mixes with chemicals, ravages rainforests and can even kill fish.3. Some of the species threatened by pollution include: dolphins, porpoises, penguins, sharks and polar bears.B. Humans are also affected.1. Clean water is necessary for good human and animal health, but as states, more than a billion people around the world do not have a way to obtain clean drinking water, a... .... middle of paper..... .huge global problem, caused by human waste, but which can be solved by going green and reducing human impact on the environment.CONCLUSIVE OBJECTIVE (reaffirms the specific objective, reinforces the relevance of the topic to the audience): We should all learn to adopt environmentally friendly measures. alternatives to help improve the environment and the world. It’s a worthy effort that will benefit you, the environment, and the future. We are at fault because the cars we drive and many other amenities we use contribute to this pollution. CLOSE/CLINCHER (end with a bang, not a whimper): Don't want trash cleaned up to enjoy nature? Don't you want the water to be safe to drink? And you don't want to see clear blue skies all the time? If we don't act now, there may be no world to save. Go green for the sake of the future. THANKS. Are there any questions?