
  • Essay / Lady Macbeth: The Role of Women in Society - 664

    Nevertheless, Lady Macbeth decides to take matters into her own hands and ignore the label that has been given to her as a woman. By making her own decisions that override those of her husband, she deviates from the social norm, quite slowly, but effectively. In Act 1, Scene 5, Lady Macbeth receives a letter stating Macbeth's newly attained position as Thane of Cawdor and explaining the witches' prophecy that he will eventually become King of Scotland in the future. After reading Macbeth's letter, Lady Macbeth makes clear her strong and passionate desire to escape the femininity given to her and gain a more manly and dominant role in society. She calls: “Come, you spirits / Who occupy yourselves with mortal thoughts! desex me here, / And fill me from head to toe / With the most terrible cruelty” (I.5.38-41). Lady Macbeth instantly becomes curious as to whether Macbeth is truly capable of taking the position of king, stating that he does not have the required evil and evil attributes, questioning his masculinity to get what she wants. She shares her thoughts on Macbeth's political struggles, which can be seen as foreshadowing his collapse towards the end of the book. By doing this, it disrupts social relations