
  • Essay / The Importance of Teaching Children About Acquaintance Sexual Abuse

    Sexual assault (and specifically “date rape”) is a very serious and prevalent topic in modern American society . It is important that this subject be discussed with today's young people. Drug-facilitated sexual assault, or "date rape", occurs when alcohol or drugs (or a combination) are used to incapacitate a person, preventing them from giving consent to have sexual relations. This type of sexual assault has become very prevalent on college campuses (16-24 year olds are 4 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than any other woman), which is why it is necessary to talk about it to educate young people aged 14. -Age group 18 on this. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Educating this age group of children about the issue of sexual assault and partner rape in the years before they enter college prepares them for the future. their lives when they usually have to deal with it. If college-going kids are educated about the problem of date rape, they will be willing to pay attention to the signs of date rape, and perhaps see a lot fewer date rapes. you will happen. Indeed, there are many ways to look for/notice the signs of date rape. and possibly prevent it from happening. Children also need to be made aware of the sexism that currently exists in society and which is part of the reason why rape culture continues to be as prominent as it is. Although sexual assault and date rape are an unfortunate part of society, there are things everyone can do about it. mitigate the risk of this happening. First of all, it is important to remember that it is never the victim's fault and that whatever actions or inactions they take, they are never “asking for it.” Instead of blaming victims, it is important to create an environment that vilifies the actions of abusers and provides support. One way to reduce the risk of assault or rape is to understand that silence does not equate to consent. Consent only occurs when an agreement is reached and all parties are of sound mind. Consent can be given and withdrawn, so children need to learn that if someone says yes to sexual contact and then changes their mind, their previous consent is no longer valid. It is also important for individuals to take responsibility for their own sexuality and not let society, a relationship, or anyone else define it. This is important because for a person to have healthy relationships and not become a victim of sexual assault, they must know themselves well enough to be aware of what they want sexually and what they are comfortable with when It's about sexual relations with partners of one's choice. Alcohol and drugs are often present in cases of sexual assault and rape, and it is important for everyone to keep an eye on their own safety and that of others during risky situations, such as at parties or in restaurants. bars. It is also important to understand that consent cannot be given when either party is intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. As stated previously, it is also important to know that the majority (around 4 out of 5) of attacks are perpetrated by someone the victim previously knew. No one should let their guard down because they think that being with.