
  • Essay / How to Deal with Grief - 744

    Death is something that many people have difficulty understanding. The fact that a loved one can be there one second and then the next second, that’s not the case. Everyone will face this at one point or another in their life. People grieve in many ways: some people put on a front and live their lives while for others it's difficult to get through the day. I hope someone will sincerely listen to the words I have to say and know that their feelings are valid and that they are not alone. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but here are some steps you can take to cope with grief. It is okay to have and feel emotions. Losing a loved one must be one of the most trying things you can experience in life. I don't care what anyone says; crying will make you feel better. When someone cries, it is as if each tear can release the pain from the heart. Grief can take other forms too, not just tears. Anger, regret, and guilt are all emotions that play a vital role in healing. Feel rage, death is not fair and is hardest for people who have to continue living their lives. It's easy to feel regret and guilt over the times we didn't have with our loved one. Some people often feel like maybe they didn't do enough while they were still in the physical world or maybe they didn't know how much you loved them. I find it ridiculous that we are told not to feel all the emotions that are bubbling up. If one does not speak one's heart, that person will never heal, and that is a fact. Once you have grieved the death of a loved one, it is important to start moving on. Don't dwell on bad times from the past. It's easy to get upset and only think about the end... middle of paper... certain organization, keep doing this on their behalf. Knowing that that person's name will live on is an extremely comforting thing because it's as if that person truly never left. If this person died from a terminal illness, find other fundraising events or charity walks and raise money for the cause. It can be very rewarding to know that the hard work you do is going to help someone else. Even if a loved one couldn't be saved from this terrible disease, it's beautiful to be able to help other people so they don't have to go through the same things you did. Grief has no time limit. There are times when it can seem like it will never end and your heart will never stop aching. But there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. Whoever you have lost, whatever heartbreak you are going through, just know that you are not alone..