
  • Essay / Research Methods - 1404

    Research MethodTo obtain my secondary information, I used sources such as the internet, books and midwifery journals. My secondary information will include the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby, the benefits of bottle feeding for mother and baby, and breastfeeding statistics. All the information I got for my secondary data is all reliable because it comes from recommended sites, books and journals approved by the government or by the hospitals and doctors themselves. There are many research methods used to obtain information, but it is important to use the correct method to ensure that you get the best possible results. One of the methods used is experimentation; this is where you actively participate in an experience over a period of time. The advantages of this method are that it is a powerful research method, establishes cause and effect, and can be easily reproduced. The disadvantages are that it can take a long time, it is difficult to find willing participants, and there is a greater risk of human error. I chose not to use this as a research method because doing an experiment would take between 2 and 6 months, which is time I don't have. It could also be considered intrusive to watch a mother breastfeed, which can be a big ethical problem and, as such, will make it difficult to find willing participants. Another research method is direct observation; it's where you're in a setting and you're observing what's happening and you're not participating in it. Direct observation has many advantages: it allows you to see and hear everything that is happening, it can be easy to record, and you have no physical effect on the observation. The disadvantages are that it can take a long time, your presence can have a physiological effect on the people being observed, and you do not get reliable information. It's hard to get valid results because they're hard to reproduce and different people may break things differently than you. I did not choose this method because it would be difficult and time consuming to get people's permission to observe them. This may be due to ethical issues surrounding my chosen topic. People may think it is wrong to watch a mother breastfeed her baby. Participant observation is another of the research methods used, this is where you...... middle of paper ...... questionnaires will remain online to present at the entrance of the room for so people can come and get them. A box will be left in the staff room where the completed questionnaires will be kept until I collect them. I hope that by distributing questionnaires and leaving them available to people, I will obtain a large and very widespread response rate. During my research, I will need to consider certain ethical issues, such as confidentiality. Each questionnaire will include a note explaining that each completed questionnaire remains completely confidential. I hope that by stating this fact it will reassure people and encourage them to complete one. I also have to be sensitive to people's feelings and beliefs, and ensure that I don't offend anyone. I will need to show that I understand that my field can be a sensitive topic for people to talk about or read about. I can do this by not forcing people to take my survey if they feel it's not something they want to participate in. It is important that I do not pass judgment, as this may affect the.