
  • Essay / An article on renowned exploration: Lewis and Clark

    A glimpse of 200 years of our past would leave you perplexed: the miniature United States and its endless borders. In these lands, in these plains, in these snow-capped mountains lie the hopes and dreams of the people of our small, developing nation. Men young and old, some competent, others driven by passion, took it upon themselves to explore this no man's land. Two very lucky men, and 29 of their contemporaries, were able to travel this vast desert under the will and orders of President Thomas Jefferson. Say no to plagiarism. Get a custom essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essayMeriwether Lewis and William Clark, commanders of a 31-member party, embarked on a mystical and empowering adventure in which they had to navigate and documented what they thought was the easiest route across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean was a faceless name, and these men would be the first white men to see its rushing waters, jagged cliffs, and lush sandy beaches. These men would be the first to reveal the mystery of the border. On May 13, 1804, Captains Lewis and Clark set out on a cross-country adventure. The men in their 54-foot boat and several small canoes began their trek down the Great Missouri. The first part of their journey would be to travel from their current accommodation, Fort Dubois, to Two-Thousand-Mile Creek, home of the Sioux Indians. When these men started up the Missouri River they couldn't look back, they were leaving their country, their families and their friends and now they were going to complete one of the most powerful and necessary journeys in American history . The trip from Fort Dubois to Two-Thousand-Mile Creek was relatively uneventful. Surrounding the men who rode the Missouri River were beautiful green fields, endless plains, and numerous animals that made up their entire diet. Animals that man had not witnessed began to appear, one of these animals was the prairie dog or prairie wolf. The men were surprised by the similarity of this animal to the gray squirrel of developed America, but when they got close enough to see and kill these animals, they noticed differences. On this first waterway, the Missouri, men stopped at multiple places to rest, hunt, and contact the Indians. Along the way, the captains and their Indian translators spoke and traded with the Sioux, Ottoes, and Maha. The constant tradition these men observed among the Indians was to celebrate friendship by smoking a pipe of tobacco. White men and Indians got along perfectly with men who had never seen skin that color. After successfully reaching Two-Thousand-Mile Creek, the men camped for a while and witnessed the glow of the land. Around the men were herds of animals, sometimes in the thousands. Buffalo roamed freely in and around the waterholes, antelope grazed on the abundant grass and roots, elk and deer in never before seen quantities waded in the same water as these men, undisturbed. The men, after remaining a few days on Two-Thousand-Mile Creek, began moving toward a Shoshoni Indian camp by way of the Lemhi River. This part of the journey would cover a distance that would make a modern-day driver shudder, let alone an early 19th century explorer, 2,300 miles. Along the Lemhi River, men stoppedfrom time to time and it was then that they made their first contact with a large beast. This beast, the polar bear, was described as a large and terrible animal that took 10 bullets to kill by Captain Clark (p. 42), after finally killing one of the famous polar bears. As the journey continues, the travelers come to a gigantic waterfall which Captain Lewis spoke of thus; "I wish the pencil of Salvator Rosa or the pen of Thompson to be able to give the enlightened world a fair idea of ​​this truly magnificent and sublime object..." (p. 61). It was along this route that the crew and their captains first saw the snow-capped peaks of the massive Rocky Mountains. The men spent several days at the Shoshoni camp and there traded many things with the Indians and celebrated their friendships by smoking. After these days of rest, on August 21, 1805, the men left for Fort Clatsop their destination on the beaches of the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, the travelers crossed the Bitterroot Valley and established a camp called Travelers Rest at the mouth of Lolo Creek. After meeting Flathead Indians and trading horses to cross the Rocky Mountains, the group began their climb up and across the mountains. a frozen terrain with only their strong will and supplies to keep them from freezing to death. When they finally crossed the mountains, they were greeted by a long stretch of desert land that they had to cross without wood to make canoes or animals to live on. out of. Finally they heard it, the roar of the Pacific Ocean, the sound of immense power and total conquest. When the men arrived at the beach, they were amazed by the serenity and surreal effects of its nature. The steep cliffs, the monsters stranded in the waters (whales), the natives on dry land, and also the incredible salmon rush. The men stayed on these beaches for almost three months, living on roots and fish and getting along well with the Indians, some of whom depended on the captains for their survival. Captain Clark was now a doctor, caring for people once thought to be savages, people who had lived on the American frontier for hundreds of years. When the time and weather were right, the men left their homes on the coast and began their return to their home country, the United States. The two captains who now kept a diary, in notebooks bound in elk skin, would report their discoveries and their encounters to the rich community from which they came. First, the trip from Fort Clatsop to Musquettoe Creek on the west side of the Rocky Mountains. Throughout this trip, one problem arose most often, and coincidentally that was mosquitoes. When one inhaled or simply opened their mouth (there was one in 31 females) swallowed a mouthful of mosquitoes, the pain and anguish that West Nile virus carriers caused these people was almost unbearable. But these brave, determined and intelligent men overcame this feat during the journey and managed to rest near the Rocky Mountains. At this resting place, the group had to wait 2 months before they could travel the Rockies and during this time the men existed within a neighboring tribe called the Chinooks. The Chinooks were very hospitable to the white men and their black servant, and offered them horses to use or kill for food when needed. The men thanked the Indians greatly and gave them what they had not yet used for bartering thus far in the journey. When the next full moon came and..