
  • Essay / Analysis of Margaret Talbot's article on neuroenhancement...

    She uses many logical appeals to charm readers' sense of reasoning by relating some of the key points of her story to the average student. She includes valid appeals like "Since, in essence, this life was impossible, Alex started taking Adderall to make it possible" (para. 1), or "Alex remembered a week during his first year when he had four assignments due” (para. 1). 3). Margaret gives many examples of Alex explaining why students should take these medications. They are becoming more prevalent because school has only become more and more difficult for future generations. Stress and despair destroy the hope of our society, making it feel like they are drowning in work every day of the week. More so, it only causes damage in the minds of students, which is very negative for our society. They feel the need to take Adderall to improve academically and improve their state of mind. The image that society portrays when taking these drugs is that you can't do anything on your own, that you need some sort of substance to help them. Talbot successfully shows the negative impact on students by providing these quotes and stories that degrade the character of any scholar. Margaret accurately describes the harmful effects of Adderall use providing many logical arguments that any student could relate to. Each of these proposed appeals has the ability to convince its audience that neurostimulant drugs only cause negative effects instead of being beneficial. Talbot seems to have good knowledge on the subject. After all, people wouldn't read her article if she didn't seem