
  • Essay / Women's rights in today's society

    I chose to do my research paper on women's rights and feminism. This topic is important to me because as a girl growing up in today's society, I have experienced and witnessed rights violations. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Women's rights ensure that women will not be discriminated against based on their gender. Until the second half of the 20th century, in most societies, women were denied some of the legal and political rights granted to men. Although women in much of the world have gained significant legal rights, many people believe that women still do not enjoy full political, economic, and social equality with men. Throughout the history of Western civilization, deeply held cultural beliefs granted women only limited roles. Feminism as defense of women's rights in today's society What is feminism? The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines feminism as the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. The definition of women's rights corresponds to legal, political and social rights equal to those of men. A common idea associated with being a feminist is destroying men's esteemed status to build up women, or being "feminazi". Feminists aim for equality and not the superiority of women over men. The term “Feminazi” is thrown around in the media by people who may not know the difference. At a women's march in Washington, D.C., around the time of Trump's election, Ashley Judd gave a speech titled "I am a wicked woman." She cites a 19-year-old girl named Nina Donovan who lives in Tennessee. Ashley Judd is a very serious feminist. In her speech, she describes herself as a "nasty woman" in the sense that she is not afraid to fight for equality and women's rights. Did you know that women of color are paid less? This is called a gender gap, the definition of a gender gap is the gap in opportunities, status, attitudes, etc., between men and women. Women are still paid 80 cents on the dollar for a man, for the same work and the same qualifications. The gender wage gap is different for women of different education levels and for women of color. Black and Hispanic women are paid only 65 cents and 59 cents to the white man's dollar. Men are also more likely to get a promotion than a woman, even if she is more qualified. Not only are women paid less, but they do not receive the same benefits. Many large companies refuse to cover the cost of IUDs, which can be as high as $900. Birth control can cost more than $25 a month. Intrauterine devices are used to prevent pregnancy. Contraception can be used for the same thing, but contraception is also used to regulate menstrual periods, treat endometriosis, treat primary ovarian failure, and it can treat amenorrhea and even prevent acne from forming. When you take birth control, you are also less likely to get anemia. These, among other things, are many reasons why girls and women use birth control. For example, Hobby Lobby claims that they will not pay for contraceptives because it violates their religious beliefs, which may beunderstandable. However, they pay for vasectomies and Viagra for men. A vasectomy is a procedure performed on a man to prevent pregnancy in a woman. An IUD and a vasectomy achieve the same goal. They are both used to terminate a pregnancy, so why is one supported but not the other? Birth control is also necessary for other health reasons. So how can they claim their religious beliefs if they pay for male contraception, but not female contraception? Outside of the workplace, women pay more for items. For example, tampons and pads are taxed as a luxury item, while Viagra and Rogaine are not. I'm not sure what's so luxurious about the rules, but I know that paying for these items is expensive. For example, let's say you buy them at Walmart, which claims to be one of the cheapest stores. If you buy a box of Upar Kotex tampons and a box of pads, they cost $9.27 each, assuming you buy the medium box and medium items. If you buy them every other month, every year, from age 12 to age 60, that's a total of $5,339.52 and that doesn't include taxes. This is also the case if the price does not increase, which is the case. Another problem concerns razors. A Gillette Mens pack of four razors costs $5.97. While a three-pack of Gillette razors for women costs $6.97. We pay more for less. Companies can do this because these are items that women need and are willing to pay for. Although it doesn't seem like much, it adds up. The media has spread the word “Feminazi”, which associates people seeking gender equality with those who want to destroy men to build women. To be a feminist is to hope for and defend the quality of each person; people who identify as men, women, or neither. However, the media is not always bad as it has helped give feminists a platform to work on. For example, on January 20, there is a women's march in Seattle on the media and the connections between people have spread the message throughout Washington. The media has also given women the opportunity to connect with others who have experienced the same things as them, who they might not have had the opportunity to do so before the widespread use of Internet. For example, #MeToo is a trend that connects victims of sexual assault in over 70 countries and gives victims a chance to be heard. These are comments made by anti-feminist women. Most of the negative things said about feminism are usually untrue, like the last one depends on who you talk to, again feminism is about gender equality not women's superiority. The second is interesting because it claims that by having freedom, the woman is no longer mysterious, thus losing her attractiveness, which essentially amounts to saying that women are only interesting when they have to depend on a man or have no rights. Like any other group or idea, feminism has people who oppose it and do not support its ideas and beliefs. Sexual harassment plays a big role in equality rights. People are raped and sexually harassed, and women are not the only victims. A study conducted by RAINN, The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Networking, indicates that every 98 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted and every 8 minutes, that victim is a child. Only 6 out of 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison. RAINN also states that 9 out of 10 rape victims are women. These are only.