
  • Essay / Essay on Jesus - 703

    According to the Bible, who is Jesus? According to the Bible, Jesus is the son of God, and God is in Jesus while he is on earth. Jesus came to earth to preach Christianity. Jesus was the promised Messiah to Israel and is often prayed to with God. During communal prayer, the speaker will conclude with “The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Praying to the father (God), the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit or Holy Spirit (the spirit of God inside a person). Although Jesus' appearance and race have been widely discussed for centuries, there is nothing in the Bible to describe his appearance or race. Jesus was sent to earth as a baby of Joseph and Mary and was raised by Joseph, his adoptive father. [Who is Jesus Christ - Biblical answers to questions about Jesus. Accessed 5/22/2014.] In the Bible, Jesus is the path to redemption. Jesus was sent to earth to destroy everyone's sins and clear a new table for them to become good people and be accepted into heaven with God. The reason for the greatest respect for Jesus is that he gave his own life by being tortured and nailed to a crucifix to heal people of their sins. He is described in Luke 23:26-43 as carrying his crucifix to his place of death, where he was whipped then nailed by his hands and ankles to a crucifix and left to die alongside other criminals who also been crucified. The men spoke to Jesus, asking him why he did not want to save himself and asking him to remember them when he entered Heaven, and he simply replied: “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in heaven. This shows that Jesus was a forgiving man and had done his work on earth. According to the Bible, Jesus was also resurrected and was taken from his place where he lay without moving the...... middle of paper ...... day marks the day of Jesus' resurrection where he is came back to life and went to heaven.Bibliography:Who is Jesus Christ - Biblical answers to questions about Jesus. 2014. Who is Jesus Christ - Biblical answers to questions about Jesus. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed May 16, 2014]. Welcome to Who Is Jesus Really?. 2014. Welcome to Who Is Jesus Really?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed May 16, 2014]. Luke 23:26-43 – The crucifixion – Like the – Bible Gateway. 2014. Luke 23:26-43 – The Crucifixion – Like the – Bible Gateway. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed May 22, 2014]Why Jesus is so important. 2014. Why Jesus is so important. [ONLINE] Available at [Accessed May 22 2014]