
  • Essay / The Importance of the College Experience

    College not only prepares people for their jobs, but, more importantly, it prepares them for their life journey. College not only prepares people for their future professional lives; it is a way for individuals to gain experience in a wide variety of things. Going to college is more than reading a textbook, it is a major step in life that teaches valuable lessons and prepares you for life. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Going to college teaches you to be responsible. Individuals must take the initiative to ensure that everything related to their education is managed. It also builds independence. For example, showing up to class and ensuring that everything being taught and understood is a necessity. They are responsible for their own learning because it is in their hands. To go further, in some high schools, certain things are spoon-fed, whereas in middle school, the student is expected to have prior knowledge on the subject being taught. Everything that is expected of them is already established in the program. Reading the lessons in advance before coming to class to make sure everything is understood is their responsibility. They make their own grade. Being able to manage and allocate time to your top priorities can be a difficult task. Sometimes juggling school, family, and a social life can be overwhelming. Between going to class and working, it is up to the individual to ensure that their class work is turned in on time. For example, having a tight schedule between leaving work and going straight to school, he teaches a technique that he must follow to arrive to class and work on time. This encourages punctuality. Students learn to become independent when they begin to manage their time according to their own abilities. He also learns to save money. The fact that college is too expensive is known to almost everyone. Between buying books, paying bills, and taking care of personal needs, if they're not careful, they can end up in a deep debt hole. They must follow a strict budget. For example, Sondheim graduated from college and it taught him life lessons (Hrabowski). Through this experience, it wasn’t just about getting a degree; he acquired basic knowledge which later helped him overcome the difficulties that life threw at him. Over the generations, it has become clear to students attending college in America that to get a well-paying job, one must pursue a higher education. To be able to attend college and earn a degree in a specific field requires an abundant amount of money; that doesn't even include other bills and other necessities that also require money. Not being careful can lead to major setbacks in taking off after their college career. But with the habit of sticking to a budget, overcoming the overwhelming feeling of paying tuition should have equipped one to do so. For example, one may have the choice of going out to eat with a friend or using the same amount of money he or she would use for a single meal and purchasing food at a grocery store to prepare a meal that would last a little more than a night. This person could have learned through their college experience that this would help save money that could be used for other essential necessities. It could also be argued that college lacks exposure to the real world. It may be difficult to apply the.