
  • Essay / The Power of Media - 1839

    The media has the supremacy to influence millions of individuals through countless formats. Media is everywhere in our daily lives, on television, cinema and radio, influencing what society consumes and what it wears. “The media is a very powerful tool, capable of mobilizing people's thoughts and ideologies” (Mock 2004). Most people find television as a way to escape from their busy daily lives. In our society today, there is an ongoing debate about violence in the media. Media violence is an issue that most literature seems to avoid, but it is important in our lives. To give you an idea of ​​the magnitude of violence children see on television, consider this: "The average American child will witness 200,000 acts of violence on television before the age of 18." Children may become desensitized to violence and become more aggressive. Violence on television sometimes requires imitation because it is often presented as a fun and effective way to get what you want” (Kids Health, 2010). With this we can see how much influence television has on children. As adolescents and children continue to watch and read these violent images depicted in music and films, the harmful effects affect their judgment, attitudes and behaviors. Concerns about violence in the media have increased as television has gained a global audience. While televised violence is not the only cause of aggressive or violent behavior, it is clearly an important factor. Television can have a powerful influence on the development of value systems and the shaping of behavior. Unfortunately, most current television programs contain violent images! The impact of television violence may be immediately evident in a child's behavior or appear years later. The media is responsible for inciting violence. So said, there are many professions; scientific, ... middle of document ... powerful voice to speak for every child while providing the best tools for parents to help their children succeed” (PTA 2010). Additionally, other sources such as churches, libraries and other community groups are there to contribute to the good work. That said, there are multiple alternatives other than television that can be used to resolve conflicts. There are many books, music, and images that provide models to counter the actions and attitudes of today's violent superheroes. For example, one can go to a nearby library and ask if there are any books or novels like Superman or Batman. Overall, there is no definitive solution to the problem of violence in the media and we will not completely remove violence from society's views. Although there are many steps parents and other older caregivers can take to reduce the impact of media violence on children..