
  • Essay / How GMOs Affect Us and Our Health

    Table of ContentsThe ProblemThe Causes of the ProblemThe ConsequencesNational, Global and Local PerspectivesConclusionThe ProblemGenetically modified organisms are organisms that have had their genetic structure altered. GMOs are one of the main controversial issues in the modern world today. Every day we buy vegetables and fruits in our stores or markets, but we do not know whether they were grown using genetically modified organisms or naturally. Because today, the majority of farmers use pesticides and herbicides to grow many products. It is still unclear whether they are useful for human life or not. But we can say with certainty that GMOs are harmful to agriculture. There are many reasons listed there. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get the original essayThe causes of the problemFirst, the cultivation of genetically modified plants leads to a violation of the circulation of substances in nature. Morrissey's research showed that genetically modified strains (a subtype of a microorganism (e.g. virus, bacteria or fungus)) from genetically modified crops remained in the soil for years after the crop was removed. Of course, this interrupts the interaction of substances in nature. Second, GMOs are also responsible for the emergence of herbicide-resistant “superweeds.” This means that “super weeds” can only be killed with more toxic poisons, which ravage the soil. linked to land degradation. It is a cause of soil degradation. The third reason is the growth of toxic herbicides in the soil. Due to the growing number of toxic products, the use of toxic herbicides like Roundup has increased 16 times since GMOs were introduced in “GMO Facts” (2015). All these toxic chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides, have a negative effect on the soil. Additionally, pesticides accumulate in the foodstuffs we can buy in our stores. Unfortunately, we do not know which foreign gene is contained in the product. And probably this heterogeneous (incongruous) gene will be rejected by the body. Another reason is the reduction in the number of insects. Insects pollinate many of our fruits, flowers and vegetables. We wouldn't have many products without the pollinating services of insects, not to mention honey, beeswax, silk, and other useful products. But the cultivation of genetically modified plants using chemicals leads to massive insect poisoning. Finally, we must know that agriculture is a system with an expiration date. The Consequences Looking for the reasons listed above, we can come to admit that GMOs create a lot of negative consequences. First, pesticides destroy nitrogen fixation. This can cause a significant drop in crop yields because the application of pesticides can destroy pollinators. A reduction in spider numbers following application of the insecticide chlorpyrifos has been reported on pastures in the United Kingdom (2007). It is important to know that pesticides are the main cause of insect contraction. Unfortunately, herbicides don't just kill insect pests. For example, the monarch's living space has decreased by an alarming 90% over the past 20 years because its habitat (Mexico) decreased from 45 acres to just 1.7 acres between 1999 and 2013 according to Edward (2015). Fungicides are toxic to.