
  • Essay / Chaucer's Optimal Hero

    In The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer uses the character traits of the clergy to illustrate the ideal character. Chaucer's clergy display ideal characteristics such as generosity, righteousness, and servitude. In exploring the lifestyle of the clergy, Chaucer distinguishes pious and truly ideal servants from secular and self-centered men. Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essayChaucer introduces several clergy in The Prologue, but the pastor stands out as a clergyman faithful to his duty, possessing a generous heart . Unlike many other corrupt clergy, the pastor exudes a true attitude of love and concern for his neighbors by "giving to the poor parishioners in the surrounding area / both from the church's offerings and its property" ( lines 486-487). Shown through his magnificent deeds, the pastor exemplifies a great generosity that Chaucer admires and respects. By giving of his own possessions, the priest illustrates a clear example of a remarkable man who is not bound by worldly affairs. Jesus Christ teaches that “if you want to be perfect…give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven” (Matthew 19:21). The priest is not only a man who refuses to conform to the secular habits of materialism, but he also willingly gives to the poor and needy. Following Christ's teaching on sharing one's own goods with others, the priest is portrayed as an extremely pious man with a generous spirit. Chaucer contrasts sharply with this wonderful spirit of generosity in the brother's heinous actions. The very idea that “one should give money for a poor brother's care” instead of crying and praying is ridiculous and ironic (line 230). Unlike the priest who gives up his property, the brother takes money from the penitent public. His disgusting actions are despicable and demonstrate the materialistic nature of man, making him unworthy of being a brother. Loving his own life and communing only with the rich in the hope of profit, the brother rebels against the teachings of Christ: “He who loves his life will lose it; and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for everlasting life” (John 12:25). The brother fails to let go of his materialistic views and longs only to enjoy the pleasures of life on earth, neglecting the fact that he must concentrate on life in heaven. An execrable man such as the brother will surely lose eternal life and suffer eternal damnation in hell. Chaucer makes it clear that the brother's actions are contrary to the ideal man in comparison to the pastor's generous and generous attitude. In addition to his generous spirit, the pastor exudes a righteous lifestyle that reflects the teachings of the Gospels. He gives hospitable attention to brothers and sisters who need his help; he neglects them “neither in rain nor in thunder, / In sickness or in sorrow” (lines 490-491). The pastor is not only kind in his thoughts and beliefs, but also in the way he truly cares for others in need; his actions live up to the exemplary lifestyle of a priest. The pastor's diligent attention to his brothers and sisters, despite all obstacles, highlights his righteous way of living. Faithful to his vows and his duties, the priest leads a life worthy of recognition and respect. On the other hand, the monk “[tends] to ignore” his wishes and takes “the most spacious path of the modern world” (lines 172, 174). Chaucer reveals the monk's secular lifestyle and displays the monk's despicable lifestyle by portraying him as a man who ignores the rules of the monastery anddwells on the pleasures of the world. Furthermore, the Monk is a large hunter who wears “a fine gray fur, the finest in the country” (line 192). His appearance reveals that he did not respect his vows of poverty and the monastery rules of staying inside the monastery. The monk's fashionable lifestyle expresses his habit of hunting, which is a form of killing in which a monk should not participate. From his obesity, the monk reveals a disgusting image of a hypocrite who leads a life completely different from that of a sacred monk who conscientiously follows his vows of poverty. The Monk is a character whose shameful lifestyle obviously exemplifies the despised and avoided characteristics of the medieval period. Visibly different from the loathsome monk, the pastor demonstrates his teachings in his own life because “if gold [rust], then what will iron do” (line 498)? The pastor firmly believes that he must show other sinners how to live righteously by his own example; he does not want to submit to the hypocritical life that the monk leads. Although the pastor may make a living through hypocrisy as the monk does, the pastor's willingness to engage in poverty and fully devote his life to his teachings illustrates his upright character. Among all his remarkable characteristics, the pastor ultimately defines ideal character through his humble dedication to servitude. He possesses a benevolent passion for caring for the needy: “He [is] a shepherd and not a hireling, / He [is] holy and virtuous, but then/ Never contemptuous of sinful men, / Never disdainful, never too proud or too beautiful. , / But [is] discreet in teaching and benign”. (lines 510-514) Through the allusion to the parable of the Good Shepherd and the Hired Man, Chaucer insinuates that the pastor is a loyal leader to the needy people he serves, ready to protect them and keep them even when difficult obstacles may prevent it. to do it. Unlike the friar or monk who resemble irresponsible mercenaries, the pastor's characteristic of devout servitude is depicted as a shepherd who zealously serves his sheep, showing no objection to the arduous responsibility. He is an example of holiness, a willing servant with a heart that forgives and accepts sinners. The attitude of forgiveness is predominant in Chaucer's time, for the Scriptures teach man to "forgive men their trespasses" (Matthew 6:14). Although the priest lives an innocent and praiseworthy life, he does not boast of his morality or criticize sinners; rather, he remains humble and continues to spread the teachings of the Gospel with patience and love. The priest's style of sincere and humble servitude shines gloriously when compared to the pardoner's pretentious way of serving the Church. Although the Pardoner serves by singing in church, his main goal in serving is to "make money from the crowd" (line 719). Chaucer mocks the Pardoner's dismissive act, implying that such pretentious servitude has no eternal rewards in heaven but only temporary, earthly monetary rewards. The Pardoner's wicked ways are contrary to the Christian belief in renouncing earthly riches and demonstrate an unsavory and deplorable lifestyle. Using a sharp character contrast, Chaucer establishes the ideal standards of servitude through the true and humble heart of the Parson. Through careful characterization, Chaucer firmly demonstrates the ideal character worthy of respect and honor. It manifests generosity and righteousness in the pastor's life, with particular emphasis on his humble manner of servitude. In fact, Parson's interpretation..