
  • Essay / The Benefits of Yoga - 896

    Yoga has been around for centuries, but has recently gained popularity. Yoga originated in India and refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines. There are 5 main branches of yoga in Hindu philosophy: Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga and Hatha yoga (Yoga). The goals of yoga vary and range from improving health to achieving Moksha (Yoga). “In the state of Moksha is ultimate peace, ultimate knowledge and ultimate enlightenment. Heaven is believed to be a place of temporal attractions which the seeker must avoid in order to pursue the ultimate goal of union/yoke with God through yoga. (Moksha) After discovering a little more about yoga, I started to wonder a little more about it. I want to know if yoga has any beneficial effects for those following a regulated exercise program. So I found a level 1 yoga class at my gym and thought I would try to find out if it was going to help me or if it would just waste my time because I don't like meditation. It's Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m., as I walk into the yoga studio armed with a bottle of water and my yoga mat, I'm not sure what to think. I follow what others do. People get these foam blocks and blankets and straps. I'm not sure what's going on at this point and class hasn't even started yet. I ask what these three different things are for and instructor Susan tells me, "The blocks are for balance if you need that, the blanket is for more support or padding for the knees if needed, and the strap will make it easier to maintain certain elements. poses. »Yoga mats are lined up on the left and right walls. At first, I'm still not too sure about yoga. It's safe to say I'm skeptical about how this is going to do anything... middle of paper ... yoga is a good place to start because we all fumble our way into the poses and there was not a person capable of holding a pose for very long. It was nice to be in a room where it doesn't matter how bad you are because everyone is in the same boat. I really went to see what I would get out of yoga. In this class, I was sweating just as hard as in a regular workout. Not only was I stretching, but I was also in pain from working my muscles in a way they weren't used to. I am starting to believe in yoga and its benefits for the mind, body and soul. Works Cited: “Moksha”. of yoga.”Yoga Movement.The Roberts“Yoga.”Wikipedia.Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.22Feb.2011.Web.9Feb.2011