
  • Essay / Main Disadvantages of Apartment Living

    Apartment living may seem easy to those who have always lived in a house. Tasks like repairing appliances, mowing the lawn, and shoveling a driveway in the winter may not bother apartment residents. But these things are much more pleasant for those who face endless conflicts and problems hidden in a multi-apartment building. Living in a two-bedroom apartment with a family of six can be quite crowded, without other aspects that anyone may face while residing in an apartment. Apartment like the one our family lived in for four years. Although living in an apartment at 711 Third Street had many advantages, I would never go back there, after living in a new house that freed me from many of the neighbor interferences, laundry hassles, and cleaning problems. parking. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay When living in an apartment, the most annoying aspect that differentiates it from living in a house would be the continuous reminders from numerous neighbors. Our neighbor who lived at the time in an apartment next to us cleaned his car every Saturday possible. No one would be bothered by a neighbor trying to keep their affairs in order, but the way he was doing it was completely unacceptable. At six in the morning, he dragged a vacuum cleaner up the stairs, causing a building to shake a little. Then he opened all the doors of his car, put on some patriotic music, turned the volume up to maximum, and started vacuuming the carpets. So, on Saturday mornings, the plan to sleep in usually failed. When I live in a house at 102 Benoit Drive, a Saturday morning would be a nice, quiet start to a productive day. The only thing that could wake me up would be the sweet smell of hazelnut coffee seeping under my door. In an apartment, cigarette smoke constantly bothered me. Since our landlord forbade residents from smoking indoors, my downstairs neighbors smoked right outside their door. As a result, all the smoke went straight up, through my broken window and into my room. If only that was the only thing bothering the neighbors downstairs. They loved having company and constantly partying. All the noise would be so loud that it would not be possible to study at home. Whereas in our new house, I can study anytime, in any room in the house, without being distracted by loud parties or smells from outside. Another thing that was most uncomfortable about residing in an apartment would be laundry. It was located in the basement of our building. With a full laundry basket, to avoid a trip and walk as quickly as possible to avoid the cold in winter, balancing in my slippers on the wet stairs was what amazed me. Most of the time the trip was successful and without injuries. However, in a house, I could take my clothes and walk down 10 carpeted stairs without putting my life in danger. Because I didn't need to go up two flights, I didn't mind taking another trip. However, in the apartment I also had to always have 5 rooms with me, because all residents were charged for the use of linen. When I was at home, pocket change sat unused on the machines, and I didn't have to worry about losing money to get all the quarters. Anyone would think that if the residents were.