
  • Essay / Violent video games should be banned - 636

    Violent video games should not be banned in the United States. Violent video games are not related to real-world violence. These games can actually improve reading and visual skills that can be used in the real world. Even if a state banned the sale of violent video games, it would go against the Constitution. Statistics also show that although sales of violent video games are increasing, teen violence is decreasing. There should be no ban on violent video games in the near future. First of all, video games can benefit the person playing them. Video games strengthen reading and visual skills. In the article "What Video Games Can Teach Us" by Emily Sohn, Sohn says that "because children are interested in gaming, they often end up reading at a level well above their grade level." This statement is true for everything, a person will do things as long as they think it benefits them. In the case of children, they believe that reading during the game will help them win the game. Therefore, they will read even if they do not realize that they are improving their reading and writing skills at the same time as they play the game. A game can also improve your visual skills. A study by researchers at the University of Rochester concluded that video game players learn better visual skills than people who don't play video games. Video game players can track more objects at once. In addition to spotting objects more quickly in a cluttered environment. If a state banned the sale of video games, it would be against the constitution. In the First Amendment to the Constitution, it says that “Congress shall make no law …… or restricting the freedom of speech.” This says that a state cannot prevent a seller from selling a violent video game. A ban on vio...... middle of paper it (play video games). It's like blaming food because we suffer from obesity. " which is true. You can't blame a shooting just because someone is playing video games. In fact, in the shooting at Virginia Tech, the shooter was not playing video games. Before anyone knew it wasn't the case, they quickly assumed it was. Simply because it's a violent act and because everyone plays video games People think that. violent video games should be banned, but there is no reason to ban them First of all, you are banning something that can strengthen reading and visual skills. By banning you are also going against. the constitution There is also no evidence that video games influence violent crime. There is statistical evidence that if video game sales increase, juvenile delinquency decreases. Violent video games should not be banned. do not influence violent crime.