
  • Essay / Euthanasia and Mercy Killing

    Some people agree with euthanasia or mercy killing because “it frees up hospital beds and resources.” However, just because other patients need hospital beds does not mean it is acceptable to allow people to die in order to free up beds for others. Some of these patients may be cared for in hospices or even at home. Everyone has the right to life, no matter how sick they are. The situation is fundamentally similar when it comes to treating older people. That's like saying that caring for the elderly is a waste of resources and that they are taking up valuable beds because they are nearing the end of their lives anyway. Another benefit of euthanasia is that it “ends suffering.” As human beings, we must understand that suffering is a fundamental and normal part of the human condition. It is an integral part of every human being's life experience, whether it is physical, mental or emotional suffering. Medications can also be improved and patients can always try different medications as well as different healing processes in order to improve a person's quality of life and help make their death as humane as possible. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Sometimes things happen for a reason and we suffer for a reason, even if it's hard for us to realize it. Another argument from the pro-choice camp is that “relatives are spared the agony of watching their loved ones deteriorate beyond recognition.” In my opinion, I believe that even if it is difficult for loved ones to see their loved one's condition deteriorate every day, they have no right to put pressure on a person or even to decide for them to put end his days because it's something difficult to watch. Although it can be distressing to see a loved one's condition deteriorate, many people prefer to spend as much time as possible with their loved ones so they know that they have tried everything they can and won't. have nothing to regret. Many will say that not allowing or agreeing to euthanasia is selfish, because we want that person to stay with us for our own sake, even if they are suffering. However, I believe it is exactly the opposite. Isn't it selfish to kill yourself and leave behind the people who love and care about you? I understand that suffering is something no one wants to go through, but why don't people appreciate the beauty of love behind it? ??