
  • Essay / Steve Jobs - an era of technology

    In America, approximately 64% of Americans own at least one Apple device. In 2016, it was estimated that there were approximately 85.8 million iPhone users in the United States. If you spend any time on college campuses or at your local Starbucks, you'll likely see plenty of glowing Apple logos around the room. In the mid-2000s, iPods were all the rage, and today iPhones are one of the most popular smartphones in the world. Apple is a well-known name and has one of the most universally recognized logos. Apple recently became the first American company with a market value of one trillion dollars. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay There is a visionary, an innovator, a great mind and a great entrepreneur who laid the foundation for all of Apple's success, Steve Jobs. Apple Computers, as its initial name, was established on April 1, 1976. At the time of its establishment, the main goal was to build computers. The first computer built by Apple Computers was the Apple I. However, although computers started Apple on its path to success, their efforts in music players and smartphones are considered the backbone of Apple to this day. Steve Jobs was a tinkerer. He always had a vision of what a product could be. Jobs would take an existing idea and modify it until it was perfect in his mind. The main ideas for the first Macintosh, such as screen icons and the mouse, came from Xerox Parc engineers after Jobs' visit in 1979. When the iPod came out in 2001, the concept of an mp3 player and other audio devices had already been released, but Steve Jobs succeeded. to improve the existing design. iPods quickly grew in popularity and became an iconic device in digital music history, while many pre-existing iPod-like devices did not achieve the same success. Jobs built the iPhone into an incredibly successful product line, but by the time the iPhone came out in 2007, cell phones had been available since the late '90s, almost a decade before that. Steve Jobs was usually late to the game, but he knew how to tweak a product to be exactly what consumers wanted, and that's one of the main reasons Apple was so successful, right not by being first, but by being the best. One of Steve Jobs' defining characteristics was perfectionism. Larry Ellison, CEO of technology company Oracle, said this about Steve: "It was Steve, until it was perfect. And then once it was perfect...he moved on to the problem next", leading Larry to consider him "a bit of a control freak". Jobs had a desire "to control every aspect. Including how you pay for an item in a store. Or what it looked like in a box." Jobs told interviewers: "I saw my life as an arc and that it would end, and compared to that, nothing mattered and “You were born alone, you will die alone. And does anything else really matter? I mean, what exactly do you have to lose, Steve? You know ? There's nothing." Steve's motivation after his pancreatic cancer diagnosis in 2004 was that death was inevitable. He didn't want to waste time traveling or having fun, he wanted to work on the iPhone and the iPad, and his other visions, was what was most important to him could argue that Steve had sociopathic tendencies He was excessively mean to his acquaintances, family and friends, he used people under. »..