
  • Essay / The Theme of Maturity in “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini

    “Maturity is the ability to reap without excuses and not complain when things don’t go well,” says Jim Rohn. Maturity helps people know when to act at a specific time or place based on the society in which they live. It is up to each person to decide who they want to be and become. In the novel The Kite Runner, the protagonist, Amir, starts off as a selfish person, but by the end of the story, he grows up and becomes a selfless person. In facing his wrongdoing, Amir does what he doesn't necessarily want to do, but what he should do to become a better person. At first, Amir only wanted to please Baba and he ran away from his best friend who was being raped by the neighborhood bully, Assef. Afterwards, Amir notices that he was hurting everyone and feels remorse, which leads him to take small steps to improve himself. Eventually, Amir becomes a selfless person and only wants to help others. Therefore, this essay will analyze Amir's maturity and growth, because he was selfish when he was younger, like most of us, but he is still improving by taking small steps at some point, this which makes him a selfless person at the end of the novel. .Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on "Why violent video games should not be banned"? Get the original essay To begin, Amir betrays his friend Hassan for theft and keeps Hassan's rape private after running away to attract all the attention from Baba while he was still growing. upwards, which helps him grow up in the future where he realizes what a horrible person he was. Amir places his watch and Afghan notes under Hassan's mattress to make him appear guilty of theft and force Baba to leave Hassan and Ali from the house. For example, Amir says: “Then I understood: this was Hassan's final sacrifice for me... He knew that I had betrayed him and yet he saved me once again. » Instead of denying the false accusation against him, Hassan admits to the theft in order to protect Amir because he is loyal unlike Amir who will not even admit to having lied about the accusations and admit his mistake, which proves that he is self-centered. Amir saw his friend Hassan being raped and ran away instead of helping him. For example, Amir says, “I could walk into that alley, defend Hassan – the same way he had defended me all those times in the past – and accept whatever happened to me. Or I could run. Finally, I ran.” The fact that Amir had to debate what to do rather than step in and help Hassan, even though Hassan has always been so loyal to Amir, shows that he only cares about himself. “…Assef was right: nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to kill to win Baba,” says Amir. Since Amir doesn't think about how Hassan would feel after choosing to keep his rape private just for Baba's affection that he thought he deserved only for himself, this justifies him being self-centered. Amir wants the blue kite to prove to Baba that he is a winner like Hassan to win Baba's love and approval even though he would betray his best friend who sacrifices so much for Amir. This just shows that he is selfish because he has the opportunity to do the right thing in the situation, which is to tell Baba about the rape, but he didn't because he only thinks about himself when his friend was surprised by the event and he needs a friend the most. Thus, Amir betrays his friend in countless situations, such as wondering if he should run away from Hassan or get raped or choose to keep itpersonal, which is part of his journey to becoming a man. Then Amir begins to realize the mistakes he makes in the past and begins to feel guilty for his actions, which is why he tries to take small steps to become a better person. To begin with, Amir lets Hassan take responsibility for all of his childhood mistakes for years without any regrets, but after Amir accuses Hassan of stealing his watch, he shows remorse for the first time. Amir says, “…and I wondered how and when I would become capable of causing so much pain.” Amir finally feels guilty for letting Hassan take the blame. He realizes how loyal Hassan has been to him all the time and how he is only causing Hassan pain, so he thinks about how he could make up for the pain he is causing Hassan all along. novel. Additionally, Amir apologizes to his father who stormed out of the store for refusing to give his ID card by offering to pay the damage costs. Amir says, “…I went back to the store and apologized to the Nguyens. I told them that my father was going through a difficult time. I gave Ms. Nguyen our phone number and address and told her to get a damage estimate. Please call me as soon as you know. I'll pay for everything, Ms. Nguyen. I’m really sorry.” The fact that Amir apologizes for his father's actions rather than leaving with Baba shows that Amir is starting to feel guilty for the mistakes he made in the past and is trying to make up for them by being a exceptional person. Additionally, Amir tries to always forget his past because he doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions. He said: “I don’t want to forget again.” Amir finally understands his bad behavior and finally wants to act, and he doesn't try to hide from his past. Thus, Amir experiences remorse and regret, which leads him to try to reflect on his mistakes from his past and he begins to perform more good deeds to become a better man. Eventually, Amir stops trying to impress Baba and starts focusing on fixing his past. by being loyal and selfless. To begin with, Amir's maturity begins when he marries Soraya and she tells him all about her past instead of hiding from it. Soraya tells Amir about her past running away with her boyfriend, but Amir didn't let that get in the way of their relationship. He knows that no one wants to marry her because she ran off with a man, but that doesn't bother Amir because he knows she regrets it. They both make mistakes that make their pasts difficult, but Amir believes they both deserve a second chance to fix their pasts. Then Amir says, “Come on, there’s a way to be good again.” Amir tries to atone for what he did to Hassan by deciding to adopt Sohrab. Sohrab is Hassan and Farzana's son who was sent to an orphanage because his parents died following a murder. He treats Sohrab as he wishes Baba would and ensures that he never has to earn her love. The fact that he starts his own family shows that he has reached significant maturity. Additionally, Amir returns to Kabul to confront Assef for raping Hassan and Sohrab. My body was broken – I wouldn't find out until later – but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed." After Amir confronts Assef, he feels like he is being punished for never defending Hassan. He also fights Assef in order to take Sohrab, which gives him part of his punishment for having allowed rape Furthermore, Amir finally pursues a career as an author by writing a short story about two boys who fly kites in Kabul, which means he doesn't care about Baba who always criticizes him for wanting to. write because he thinks that,.