
  • Essay / What is beauty: inner and physical

    The question “what is beauty?” » provokes various responses. For some, beauty depends solely on outward appearances. However, for others, inner beauty overshadows outer appearance in importance. It is difficult to give a complete definition, because the concept of beauty is subjective and everyone has their personal point of view on what beauty really means. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay In my opinion, beauty has to deal with how one is inside. The term beauty comes from the Anglo-French beute. It was first used in the 14th century as "physical attractiveness" and also "kindness, courtesy". The meaning of beauty also comes from several different places, including: Old French biaute "beauty, seduction, beautiful person" and Latin bellus "pretty, handsome, charming". Two different schools of thought about beauty as physical appearance and personality have formed. The first interpretation of the word "beauty" is considered to be external appearance. For example, American culture tends to value a person's appearance. This value is transmitted from one generation to another by families, peers and the media in the process of enculturation. Young children first come to adapt their family's ways of thinking and feeling about physical beauty. The show Toddlers & Tiaras is an example of this as it follows families of young contestants in children's beauty pageants. The contestants' mothers train and force their young daughters to closely resemble their adult counterparts, including plucking their eyebrows and wearing heavy makeup. So, these young girls are trained to think that good outward appearance is the only thing that wins them and gives them what they want. Even though outer beauty is dominant, that doesn't mean everyone has to agree with that idea. There are people who believe that inner beauty is more important. Unfortunately, today's societies have limited the appreciation of beauty to the visual sense only, but we forget that the inside of a person can also determine their true beauty. We tend to judge others quickly and harshly based simply on their appearance. For example, a man with dark skin, a thick beard and big muscles is considered violent and fiery. Another man is considered cute and trustworthy because he has white skin and a baby face. These judgments are often not true because we do not know his true inner side. A beautiful person with an ugly heart is truly ugly. This person's ugly personality scares away the people around him. As a result, he or she will end up ugly from the inside. On the other hand, an unbeautiful person with a beautiful heart is beautiful. Inner beauty is considered personality and morality. They express their inner self by caring and loving others. Their inner beauty attracts and creates lasting connections with others. Inner beauty is always young, so it hides the aged appearance of a person. Even if she is old, a person with a beautiful personality will always feel beautiful and happy because there are people who are willing to love and care for her in return. There are people who are perfectly beautiful because not only do they possess a beautiful body, but also because they have kindness in their hearts. Besides the two traditional meanings of beauty, thinking about beauty has been modified and expanded over time. Beauty is not