
  • Essay / Art Comparison - 1410

    While it is obvious that artists of the modern era owe a lot to artists of the Renaissance, there are many differences between the two. There are some similarities, but much of what the artist expresses and how he presents his concepts are completely different. Renaissance art seems to be more of a historical record and heavily influenced by reason and mathematics. Modern art, on the other hand, tends to convey ideas and emotions, leaving the interpretation up to the viewer, instead of being simple. The Renaissance art I included contains a work by Robert Campin called "Triptych of the Annunciation" and another work by Fra Filippo Lippi called "The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels." In these two paintings we find some of the typical themes of Renaissance art. For example, Lippi included a background in his scene that might not have been necessary. In reality, he could have chosen just about anything, like the woods or the sea, that might have been easier to paint. He chose what appears to be the interior of a building, probably a church. Not only that, but he went to great lengths to make sure everything was in perspective and the lines and angles were straight and clean. Likewise, Campin also chose interior scenes with strong perspective and demanding details. In both cases, the artists seem to be capturing an event, much like a modern-day photograph. While both images represent fictional scenes, the artists wanted to capture the present moment to tell a specific historical story. They both make some effort to include background details that also capture architectural details. It seems to me that they both approached their work meticulously, with reason and mathematical...... middle of paper ......d to bring us into the First World War, not into showing what she actually looked like, but rather what it felt like to be there. Modern art serves to immerse us more deeply in a scene by touching more than just our sight. Artists like Grosz and Duchamp try to make us feel instead of just see. It seems that this concept arose largely as a way of regaining one's identity after shedding Enlightenment concepts. “Philosophers, writers and artists expressed their disillusionment with the humanist and rational tradition of the Enlightenment. They no longer shared the Enlightenment's confidence in the capacities of reason or in human goodness..." (Perry, p. 457) It is interesting to follow art through history and see how the atmosphere general society has changed with various aspects of history, and how the events have a strong connection with the art of the corresponding era.