
  • Essay / The Khmer Rouge - 1047

    Humanity is cruel. All over the world there are people who choose to make others suffer. This includes inhumane individuals who participate in sadistic acts, such as merely stealing or committing murder. Another series of traumatic acts that prove that humanity is cruel are genocides and holocausts. Many innocent lives have been taken over the ages. For example, approximately 11 million people were killed because of Hitler's orders during the Holocaust. An estimated 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsis were killed during the Rwandan genocide. Even during the 1500s, genocides of Native Americans occurred. However, the Cambodian genocide is a very little-known event in history. The death toll was very high in numbers. The country of Cambodia almost fell into ruin during this period. Yet this heartbreaking event is overlooked. This genocide is commonly referred to as the Khmer Rouge. Southeast Asian society collapsed during the Khmer Rouge. One of these problems concerns the population of Cambodia. Because of the Khmer Rouge, the population experienced a massive decline. This was due to either massacres or mass immigration (Carney). The remaining population was forced to work in labor camps, hoping to realize Pol Pot's dream of an agricultural community. This is according to an Internet article titled “The History of Cambodia and the Aftermath of the Khmer Rouge,” written by Susana Maldonado. His article says: “[d]ys after the fall of Phnom Penh, the entire population of the city was forced, at gunpoint, into forced labor camps in the countryside in order to create a completely agrarian society . » (Maldonado) A third problem facing Cambodian society is the way the regime propagated Cambodians, causing an estimated 630,000 Cambodians to flee between 1979 and 1981. After the Khmer Rouge, nearly 208,000 Cambodians resettled across the world. Around 136,000 people fled to the United States, around 32,000 to France and 26,000 resettled between Australia and Canada. (Refugees and Migration)Covered by the Khmer Rouge, many negative effects were imposed on Southeast Asia. The Khmer Rouge caused an immense problem for societies throughout Southeast Asia. Cambodia's political organization collapsed during the genocide. The economy of Southeast Asia, particularly Cambodia, began to deteriorate due to the Khmer Rouge. During the genocide, immigration was ideal for residents of Southeast Asia. In conclusion, the Khmer Rouge had a negative effect on Southeast Asia, which makes this genocide an important event in history..