
  • Essay / Persuasive Essay on the N Word - 700

    As long as we have ignorance, there will be racism. Today's most popular racial slur is also commonly used on a friendlier basis. “The N-word.” While a white redneck can call a man black and N and be offended, that same man can call his friends that and think nothing of it. The N-word is only offensive when it is used to be offensive, which is not always the case. So why ban a word that so many people use to identify their friends. Black men call themselves that and even refer to members of other racial groups as an N. Now, I do not advocate or condone the use of the N-word as an insult, but if it is used for the other right, I don't see anything wrong. with that. If black people want to be offended by the word they, this has changed over the last thirty years, with many black people accepting it and referring to themselves and people who are not black as Ns. This may be an absurd double standard, but it should still be allowed. Telling people they can say the N-word will cause more people to use it trying to be rebels, and then the problem will start again on its own. Yes, it's offensive and it doesn't make sense that someone would want to be called that, but if they do, let them do it. Some rappers respond to the fact that they can't play the N-word on the radio by creating a word, ziggit, to combat the fact that they can't use the word they want. The N-word may be primarily used by black people today, but it's not always directed at other black men. Many black people will call their white friends an N that they feel close to. No one is offended and people just ignore it. So why get offended when a singer uses this word to describe the men in his neighborhood? If a person doesn't mind being called an N, let them live their own life. Unless the word is used as an insult to someone, it should be allowed whenever the user