
  • Essay / Banning Abortion: Support for a Pro-Life Movement

    Table of ContentsIntroductionBodyAbortion is murderAbortion defies the word of GodAbortion fosters a culture in which life is disposableConclusionIntroductionLife is the greatest gift than we have ever received, being able to experience the gift of life is such a privilege. But is it right to commit suicide? If so, when is it appropriate to terminate a pregnancy? And under what circumstances is abortion morally acceptable? These are just some of the questions that challenge a person's moral dilemmas when faced with the issue of abortion. Abortion is undoubtedly one of the most controversial phenomena in modern society. It includes numerous questions regarding moral, legal, medical, and religious issues related to the issue under deliberation. Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get Original EssayAn abortion is the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by his death. This can occur spontaneously in the form of miscarriage or be induced artificially by chemical, surgical or other means. Generally, “abortion” refers to an induced procedure at any time during pregnancy; Medically, it is defined as a miscarriage or termination induced before twenty weeks of gestation, considered non-viable. A pregnancy that ends before 37 completed weeks of gestation and in which a baby is born and survives is called a premature birth. A pregnancy that ends in the death of an infant at birth, at any stage of gestation, due to reasons such as spontaneous abortion or complications during delivery, is called stillbirth. In common parlance, the term "abortion" is synonymous with induced abortion of a human fetus. However, in medical texts, the word "abortion" can also refer to spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. Abortion is the most controversial issue, with many arguments against two difficult decisions. The pro-life argument is a matter of life and death, although the uncertainty of the complications makes it difficult. Abortion is a matter of life and death, life is too important to be taken lightly. Body According to research conducted by the WHO, there are approximately 40 to 50 million abortions worldwide each year. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. in 1994, 400,000 abortions were performed illegally in the Philippines and 80,000 women were hospitalized for abortion-related complications. It was reported in 2005 that official estimates then ranged from 400,000 to 500,000 or more, and that the World Health Organization's estimate was 800,000. In the Philippines, 70% of unintended pregnancies occur end in abortion, according to the WHO. In the Philippines, about 4 in 5 abortions are economically motivated, often when a woman already has several children and cannot care for another. According to Merriam Webster, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy followed closely by the death of the embryo or fetus. Despite having this definition that includes the word "death", people are still unsure whether abortion is immoral or moral. In this essay, we will discuss why abortion is immoral from a pro-life perspective. Abortion is murder. Murder is a major crime. Considering that the embryo in a woman's womb is alive and is a human being. Terminating a pregnancy is considered murder. According to the federal law on victims ofunborn child, anyone who intentionally kills an unborn child should be punished for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being. Additionally, they state that an unborn child, even if not fully developed, is a member of the species Homo sapiens. Furthermore, according to Exodus 21:22-25, “22 If men strive and hurt a pregnant woman, so that her fruit leaves her, and yet no harm follows: he shall surely be punished, according to that the woman's husband will impose on her; and he shall pay as the judges shall determine.23 And if any calamity follows, then you shall give life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, sore for wound, bruise for bruise. This simply means that even if no harm has been done to the unborn child, if it is intentional to kill the unborn child, then it is still punishable in the eyes of the people and the law. And if it actually killed the child, then it amounts to the death of the one who caused the harm. Abortion defies the Word of God We know that Roman Catholics were the first people to oppose abortion. For them, this act is unforgivable and a wrong thing to do. There are many verses that can justify that abortion is a sin and no one should practice it. Although the embryo is supported by its mother and cannot survive outside the womb, it is considered a human being and is recognized by God. As Exodus 20:13 demonstrates, “Thou shalt not kill.” applies to all human beings, including those unborn. To do this is an abomination to the Lord. Furthermore, Psalm 127:3-5 interprets that an unborn child is a reward from the Lord and that everyone should be happy to have many children and will not be ashamed of the reality of it. . On the other hand, Deuteronomy 24:16 states that "16 fathers shall not be put to death for their children's sake, neither shall children be put to death for their fathers' sake: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. » Whatever the situation, it is not an individual's decision to end their life but it is the Lord's decision. Abortion promotes a culture in which life is disposable According to Don Marquis, if people had abortions, they were depriving the fetus of a future. like ours, most abortions are therefore morally wrong. He states that this act is not morally wrong at any time. For example, when the mother is in critical danger if the pregnancy continues, this is considered a good thing. However, if we consider people's values, killing is far from being a good thing. It is a natural law that, regardless of the reason, murder is not acceptable. Additionally, a fetus holds a valuable future, so aborting a fetus would also deprive it of its future. Pro-life advocates argue that the use of abortion as contraception should not be permitted for the sole reason that it is not moral and that people should take responsibility for the actions they have committed. ConclusionAbortion is a difficult and extremely sensitive subject to discuss. Defining whether it is moral or immoral is even more difficult because there are cases that are reviewed before it is decided. People have different opinions on this subject. Some say it's bad because it's considered murder while others say it's a woman's constitutional right to choose whether or not she wants to continue her pregnancy because it's her body. However, if one were to end the life of an innocent child, it would not only be unethical or inhumane, but also morally wrong. Our world is made up of many evil deeds and, on top of that, murder. The murder.