
  • Essay / Social media doesn't make people less social

    Introduction: Social media includes platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, basically anything that allows people to share a part of their minds or their lives. It can also be seen as a place of creativity, freedom of expression, and for some it could be considered a place of escape. Thesis Statement: Social media does not make us antisocial, because it is still up to us as individuals to decide how to deal with what we see online. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Topic Sentence: Allison Graham focused her speech on how social media is making us antisocial. Evidence and Quote: She first started by showing a clip of people and how they use their platforms, they shared their thoughts and personal lives through the use of social media. Comment: This was a clear indication that social media was making people distant without them realizing it and using it recklessly. Evidence and Citations: Additionally, results from a 2001 survey indicate that the average American has ten very close friends and currently only has at least two friends (Graham, 2014 ). Graham also shared his real-life observations about people using their phones even though they should be concerned about who they are with, including family members and couples. That being said, texting and driving are more likely to be the cause of death for teens. more than drunk driving. Adults are always busy with their work, they forget to communicate with their children, so in return, children focus more on their phones because they have something that could also preoccupy them and social media provides them with the attention they need think they need it. Social media has become a place where you can gain self-esteem through likes. Evidence and Quotes: We touch our phones one hundred and fifty times a day and people around the world upload 1.8 billion photos daily to Facebook (Graham, 2014). Comment: We are constantly divided by technology and the more it divides us, the more we demand of it. Evidence and Citations: One of the effects of social media is that we lose the potential to express ourselves because we are so accustomed to using abbreviations like OMG and LOL (Graham, 2014). Comment: Free speech is limited to such terms and the actual use of our minds to craft a constructive response is diminished. Unlike Allison Graham's speech, Dr. Tracy Packiam Alloway spoke about the positive effects of social media and how it makes us sociable. Evidence and Citation: Dr. Alloway also shared one of her experiences while on vacation with her family: she posted a photo with a broken leg and received positive comments and warm messages from strangers. SComment: He then hypothesized that social media encourages empathy.Evidence and Quote: Dr. Alloway has conducted research and studies on the behavior of people who use social media and it started from a photo which she published. His research findings include that social media users are more categorical and that social media use could help improve working memory, information processing, and help people prioritize what is important. and to ignore what is not. According to one of the Dr. Studiesof Alloway checking our friends' update actually helps improve our cognitive skills. Comment: Using social media has also helped us develop our concentration skills and she called it the “projector brain” which allows people to process information quickly and strengthens their long-term memory. It is obvious that many people are affected by social media. in a negative way, such that they become distant and careless about how they use it. Evidence and Quotes: Before using any platform, people should always think before clicking because once a status update or image is available, it will stay there forever. According to Graham, Americans have far fewer close friends in today's world, but let's not forget that as the world changes, people change too. Social media isn't the only reason why people have fewer friends, some may just prefer that or the majority have realized that not everyone you talk to is considered your friend. Social media definitely opens people's eyes to see who their real friends are. Graham also spoke of families and couples using their phones even if they are physically together. Evidence and Citation: This indicates that the family does not have good communication and that there is an underlying communication problem within the family that needs to be addressed. Parents shouldn't just sit at a table with their children and let them use their phones for the rest of their lives. Evidence and Quotes: And as for couples using their phones on a date, that could potentially mean their date becomes awkward or the other person doesn't like the person they're with more physically than the person on the other end of the screen. which is a show of disrespect or an indication that they shouldn't be together in the first place. It was also mentioned in Graham's speech that social media limits our freedom of speech, but I wouldn't want to limit our freedom of speech with simple abbreviations. . Freedom of expression is not limited to abbreviations. Evidence and Quotes: Social media could be an outlet for creativity and freedom of expression. On platforms like Twitter, users of this platform never fail to express their opinions on social issues. Social media allows people to be more informed and aware of what is happening in their surroundings. This therefore does not limit their freedom of expression. Studies by Dr. Alloway prove that social media can be beneficial to us humans if used correctly. Evidence and Quotes: Social media can digest information more efficiently by separating what is important from what is not. It also taught us how to multitask. Back then, people had a projector brain where they could only focus on one thing at a time and now people could do more than just one thing. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. a custom paper now written by our expert writers.Get a Custom EssayConclusion Paragraph: Social media doesn't make us antisocial, we make ourselves less social. Parents have chosen to give their children phones to replace their lack of presence in their children's lives. Couples text in front of each other to avoid awkward interactions between them or they are simply sick of each other. Teenage victims of car accidents,.