
  • Essay / Rhea's Triumph: Overthrowing Kronos

    She was a Greek titan goddess, she was the goddess of motherhood and fertility. She took most of her features from her mother Gaia, goddess of the earth. She was known as the "Mother of God" because she was the mother of the most powerful Titan gods. Rhea was known as my Goddess, as the “Goddess of comfort and ease”, “Goddess of generations” “Goddess of women”. Rhea married her brother and had six children with him, but she saved her children from her husband. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Rhea has two sacred animals: a swan because it symbolizes gentleness and peace, and her other animal is a lion. Its sacred plant is a fir tree, its sacred day is Saturday and its symbol is a turret crown. Rhea was known as a beautiful woman, she was also known as a motherly woman because of her love for her children. ( Rhea was the daughter of Gaia, goddess of the earth and Uranus, god of the sky. She had a few siblings: Cronus, Hyperion, Lapetus, Theia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe and Tethys. Rhea was a lot like her mother, she loved her children very much but her brother Cronos was a lot like his father, he feared being overpowered by his children. Rhea went mad because Cornus forced her to give him the children when they were born to eat them. Once he had his first 5 children inside him, Rhea had enough. She gave birth to her last child to Zeus in secret because she started plotting something, instead of giving Cornus Zeus she gave him a stone wrapped in a blanket to eat. Kronos thought he was safe from the prophecy. Rhea hid Zeus in a cave in Crete so he could be raised by nymphs. Zeus was raised there. When he grew up, he gave Rhea a potion containing a mixture of mustard, wine, and an herb that would make Cronos vomit from her children. This is how the Ten Years' War began, Zeus and the Olympians defeated Kronos and the Titans. History repeated itself because they defeated Kronos and became the next rulers, just like Kronos and his brothers did in the past when they overthrew their father. (Aaron J Atsma)Rhea is usually depicted as an honorable woman with an arrow-shaped crown, standing between two lions or she would be on a chariot pulled by two lions. Another of her symbols is the moon which represents her role as fertility goddess. She had strengths and weaknesses like any other person, her strengths were that she was a fertile goddess and in defending her children she was a cunning and daring person. Her weakness was that she put up with Kronos eating her children for too long and saving them later. Rhea was the goddess of motherhood and not just because she saved her children from her husband. Rhea was an important and strong goddess, but what else did she do that no one else knew? Rhea is the mother of Zeus, the god of thunder and lightning, as well as the father of the gods. Rhea was the goddess of all goddesses. The myth of Rhea and KronosOnce he returned home, Kronos saw that his sister Rhea was waiting for him there, still in love with him. Shortly after, she discovered that she was carrying his child, causing Kronus to become extremely concerned as he remembered his father's curse. Upon the birth of the child, a girl named Hestia, Kronos took the child from Rhea and ate her before walking away without a word. Rhea would have four more children and Kronus would do the same with all of them. That was until Rhea was pregnant with her sixth child. At the start of her plan, Rhea went to visit the goat Amalthea in Crete and.