
  • Essay / Such a Long Journey by Rohinton Mistry - 543

    Religion is one of the reasons why Parsis are a minority in Bombay, India. They believe in Zoroastrianism while most Bombayites are Hindus. Other minority religions are Christianity and Islam. One of Gustard's friends, Malcom, told Gustard, "We are the minorities in a Hindu nation" (Such a Long Journey, p. 23). Malcom was a Christian and they argued about their different religions and which religion came first. Gustard said to Malcolm: “Our prophet Zarathustra lived more than fifteen hundred years even before the birth of your son of God; a thousand years before Buddha; two hundred years before Moses. And do you know how much Zoroastrianism influenced Judaism, Christianity and Islam? a long journey, p. Gustard declared that “all religions were equal… nevertheless one had to remain faithful to one’s own” (Such a Long Journey, p. 24). Although Gustard's religion was a minority, he still believed that every religion should live side by side equally and peacefully. One of the reasons Gustard is insecure in the novel is due to all the betrayals and tragedies he has experienced....