
  • Essay / Analysis of the important aspects and measures covered in Shakespeare's play “The Taming of the Shrew” by Shakespeare

    Table of contentsIntroductionInequalityRole of womenTrue face of societyType of women depicted in the playOther playsCinematic interpretationIntroductionThere are a number of dramas and other stories that have been written over time and each of them has its important place in literature. These stories and plays not only have a great story, but they also contain substantial material that helps the general public better understand the mores of the world and the particular way they should behave in a certain region or society. Say no to plagiarism. . Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay Although there are certain sets of rules and regulations that must be followed, there are several important issues that also need to be given special attention. and time to bring about long-term and productive improvement. There are better and kinder ways to adopt these measures rather than resorting to aggressive and harsh methods that not only make it difficult for people to live but also behave productively. One such example was recorded by Shakespeare in one of his plays called “The Taming of the Shrew”. As the term "shrew" indicates that the overall training or taming that was brought about by the shrew involved significant harshness and nasty, polite manners. . This can be guessed by the fact that one of the most humiliating words was used to refer to a woman. There are different people in the world and each of them has their own understanding of the world. In addition to this, there are different ways in which people behave towards others, particularly influenced by their understanding of the world as well as their past experiences. However, if one person's attitude or behavior is not very good or up to par, that does not mean that the other person has the right to correct it.InequalityThere are a number of elements and differences. aspects of the piece. which shed light on the ways in which our world and our societies function. One of the major problems of our world is that of inequality. Although this aspect is still present in many societies and communities today, its prevalence was much greater in previous societies, making it almost impossible for people, especially women, to live a happy and stable life. Women have had to face a number of problems globally. for example due to the domination of men in all areas of their lives. However, it is necessary to analyze the ways and measures in order to understand that women and men are equal and that it is the responsibility of both men and women to love and respect each other in order to build a happy life. and healthy with both. another. There are a number of scenes present throughout the play that are of utmost importance and are indeed an eye opener to a number of people and how they function and work. The scene I would analyze in this essay is the very last one where Katharina lectures Bianca and the widow on the duties of a wife and what they should and should do to keep their respective husbands happy and satisfied. of utmost importance not only because it is the end of the play but also major twists and turns occurred throughout the play which ultimately resulted in Katharina's complete transformation to become the person she 'wasnot but who she ultimately became because she had no choice or option in her life. . After getting married to her husband, a number of changes took place in her life. Katharina was a completely different person, but she became completely different because of her husband's treatment. The last scene shows that men have so much power and authority over women that they can make them move in any direction. Men can make a woman completely change her life and her perception because he has more power over her. The scene dictates several other elements and aspects, such as a woman's will and choice. Katharina was an angry and aggressive woman, but she completely changed after her marriage, as she suffered a number of tortures during her marriage, which eventually caused her to give in to all her attitude and pride. And the extent of the change can be seen in the last scene where she not only becomes what she is told, but also teaches and influences others to follow her path or direction and be respectful to their respective husbands. roles and responsibilities assigned to a woman. The conventional perception of a woman is to be kind, loving, caring and obedient. And in case a woman tends to go against the norms and find a better and productive place where she can spend her life according to her will, these are the areas or places where women are severely criticized and have to dealing with the problems that Katharina faced after her marriage and the way Katharina became while her husband did not accept her previous lifestyles and forms of living. The role and responsibility of women were well explained to them right after their birth. Throughout their childhood, girls are informed of their responsibilities towards their elders, parents, brothers and sisters, etc. Right from childhood, it becomes an ultimate responsibility for a girl or woman to take care of everyone around her and be submissive in every way possible. However, if a girl tends to be the opposite, she is not only openly criticized by the entire community and society, but there are also different means and measures that are used by people to bring her back to her current position and state so that she does not forget where she belongs. Katharina's state was similar when she was lecturing the widow and her younger sister to become better wives. Katharina, who was a strong-willed and independent woman, was completely transformed thanks to her husband who ensured that she acquired the state and position that all other women previously had in their society. Although Petruchio himself proposed marriage to Katharina and was also interested in her, however, he could not accept the fact that Katharina had more power than him and she would not be as a wife ordinary, which was common before. Petruchio completely changed after the marriage, as did his attitude towards Katharina. The woman he claimed to be in love with was treated in the most unfavorable manner, both by himself and his employees, only to teach Katharina the lesson of behaving well with him in all conditions and states. Although the marriage of Petruchio and Katharina was made by mutual agreement, yet the condition set forth by Petruchio showed the other side of it. Petruchio took and adopted different steps and measures in order to belittle Katharina and take away all her confidence so that she could mold herself as Petruchio wanted her to be. Petruchio loved her but also wanted her to change so that she could become the kind of person who would listen to him all his and would spend his life according to his ways and forms. He adopted different measures which ultimately resulted in Katharina's surrender, as it became unbearable for her to tolerate any more. Petruchio, after taking her home, treated her in the most disrespectful manner. Not only did he regularly insult her, but he also asked his servants to mistreat her. In addition to all the mistreatment she was experiencing, another major problem Katharina faced was the restriction of food and other freedoms. Petruchio completely isolated her from the whole world and provided her with neither food nor clothing. All these problems that Katharina faced made her agree to her husband's terms and conditions which made her a completely submissive wife. The torture that Petruchio performed on her made Katharina a devoted wife, but in the process she completely lost herself and became a shadow of what her husband wanted from her. Katharina faced a number of related problems. Even after assuring her husband of her loyalty and honesty towards him, he kept testing her in every state and situation only to find out where she is as she states or just being nice to him. However, the last part of the play shows that Katharina has become what her husband wanted her to become so that he can lead a respectful life while Katharina, on the other hand, can have food. These are all the processes and measures that were adopted by Petruchio in order to train or tame Katharina and although she initially has a very strong head and will. However, she was unable to stay long due to her body's demands for nourishment, leading Katharina to agree to all of her husband's terms and conditions and promise to become a devoted wife. This is the part of the play that is the most tragic. as it is shown that Petruchio does not allow Katharina to be as she was all her life and had so much power over her that she changed or completely transformed herself for him. She changed so much that she even started telling her sister and the widow the ways they should adopt to take care of their husbands and please them in every way so that they always remain happy and satisfied with devotion and the work of their respective people. Wives.True Face of SocietyThere are a number of aspects and measures that are discussed in the play, however, one of the most important elements that it talks about is our society's attitude towards women and their independence . Shakespeare, through his play, pointed out that it is not only easy to deceive women into believing in men, but it is also very easy to completely change them and shape them to their liking. Women have little control over society and societal norms, which is why they easily give in to making their own lives hell. However, they do not care much about themselves because for them what matters is how they are treated and to get basic necessities women would completely give up everything they have or had. Petruchio's behavior with Katharina in public would be good for everyone to consider him a raised and understanding husband. However, he would completely turn into a harsh and heartless place just to teach her a lesson. The disguise was used several times in the film by different actors and it is one of the major and significant elements that made the plot twist of the film. Several actors played their part in the completion of the play and all dressed up as someone elseonly to gain the appreciation or love of one or the other. However, it was shown that there was not much reaction from the women or ladies in the room regarding the disguise. On the contrary, women adapted as they were asked to do, making the situation even more complicated for themselves. However, women are also shown to be more compromising and will eventually give in despite any problems or betrayals they face from men and become the best and most suitable versions of themselves purely to impress their husbands. Shown in the play Different types of women are shown in the play. Katharina was initially a very stubborn woman who did not agree to marry anyone because she did not consider anyone around her worthy of her hand. There were several suitors for her, but she didn't want any of them. However, Petruchio came into her life and changed the whole scenario. He made her believe that he was completely in love with her. Not only that, he also made her believe in his love so much that she agreed to marry him. Katharina considered Petruchio the perfect suitor and lover for her, but it was only later that the truth was revealed to her. Katharina couldn't believe Petruchio's change in attitude, but she had no other choice. Petruchio not only tortured her with his words, but he also made sure that she was not given food that would make her go to her knees and come loose easily. And he succeeded in his attempt because he managed to bring her to her knees and make her as she never was. The change that happened in Katharina was not because she had accepted her fate but because there was no other option available to her than to compromise and leave her old me back and start a new life in society where she had few options and choices of her own and most of them were made by men who dominate our society. This perception or flaw in society that Shakespeare highlighted is of utmost importance. He was able to analyze the ways in which people can achieve a better life and also bring more tolerance in societies and communities towards women. Even though Katharina was a spoiled woman, there were many different ways to change her attitude rather than depriving her of food and freedom and then taming her life, a circus animal. The other woman in the room is Bianca. who is loved and admired by a number of people because of her good manners as well as her beauty. There are a number of people willing to marry her, but Katharina's inflexible nature comes in and refuses to marry. Nonetheless, Bianca manages to marry the person she loves and admires and lives her life happily even though she is not as respectful to her husband as Katharina becomes in the end. Other Coins There are several other coins from the previous and current era that show a number of issues and problems that women regularly face. These questions and problems discussed in the plays are not only those faced by women of previous eras, but also those faced in many current eras. Despite the improvements and transformations that have occurred in this part of the world. There are still several issues related to women and these issues need to be addressed so that collective improvement and progress can be achieved for all rather than just one. The purpose of all these pieces is to make people aware of these issues and problems so that they can work better and also.