
  • Essay / The Impact of Computer Technology on Our Social World

    Computers and technology are two of the most discussed topics today. Technology has a huge impact on our world. Computers and technology have advantages and disadvantages: they affect individuals and families, businesses, schools, and society as a whole. We discuss its usefulness, how it affects people and their health, and how it affects the environment. Computers are one of the most rapidly evolving technologies. There are many reasons why computers are both beneficial and disadvantageous to society. There are many IT and technology companies. This is a big deal and it surely affects the economy. Several inventions and discoveries have been made using computer technology. It is predicted that as computers continue to evolve, computer spending by business people and customers in the United States will increase (Hammersly, 2012). How will computers impact people and the environment in the future? We have already seen a lot of changes. What's next?IntroductionComputer technology has a huge impact on our entire social and economic world. A computer is an electronic device used to store and process data for business purposes (Forester, 1988). It allows work to be done automatically for people. Multiple modifications and new integrations in this technology have affected our environment and the way people use it today (Schoenherr). Computers have evolved from the simplest technology to models capable of performing increasingly complex tasks. It started first with the vacuum tube, then the transistor, then the computer IC, the microprocessor, and over time came the present and beyond, including the Apple Macintosh (Johnson, 2003). Development of computers In 1939, Hewlett-Pac... ... middle of paper ...... in other physical activities. Excessive computer screening causes eye symptoms such as blurred vision, fatigue, dry eyes, and headaches (Kozeis 230-231). Especially in our generation, people spend too much time sitting in front of computers. This may seem harmless to the environment, but it is harmful. In front of the computer there is a huge waste of energy in air conditioning, heating, powering lights, etc. (“Environmental Effect of Computers”). Conclusion Computer technology is continually evolving. It can perform very complex tasks in less time. This helps humans improve their quality of life, making it faster and more efficient. It has changed the way we live and interact with each other. It affects the physical, social and economic aspects of our lives. I just hope we use it to improve our world and ourselves.