
  • Essay / Internet Censorship - 2009

    The Internet is like many great inventions, it has some flaws, but the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. The Internet has become an educational tool for students, has increased communication and has made it possible to share knowledge in all fields. These are just some of the benefits of the Internet. Censorship is generally evil and should be avoided wherever possible (Butt, 2000). Regulating or censoring the Internet will make it difficult for people to openly express their opinions, block even more useful sites for students, and deprive American citizens of their right to free speech. One of the reasons why many people are against censorship is because it hinders the thoughts and ideas of their minds. Internet regulation will tend to restrict freedom of expression, which is perhaps one of the most obvious factors contributing to success (Manohar, 2011). It's true, the Internet gives a voice to people who otherwise wouldn't have a say. Through websites, forums, and blogs, the average man or woman can express their opinion on the latest sports game, current events, politics, and more. Another reason people don't like the idea of ​​internet censorship is because it strips Americans of their First Amendment rights. to freedom of expression. “The freedom to express an opinion is a right that Americans have long cherished” (Dougherty, 2010). Additionally, freedom of speech is guaranteed to Americans under the First Amendment (Dougherty, 2010). In 1997, the United States Supreme Court declared that the Internet is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, meaning that your right to free speech applies when you are online (Dougherty, 2010) . Therefore, censorship should not be allowed on the Internet. Wh...... middle of paper ......11, from Manuel-Logan, R. ( 2011, May 18). Feds question 13-year-old over Facebook post. Retrieved May 18, 2011, from Fox News website: = latest newsNakaya, A. (2005). Censorship. Farmington Hills, MI: Thompson Gale. Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Filtering in Schools. (nd). Retrieved April 12, 2011 from, J. (1998). Cyberterrorism. Retrieved May 7, 2011 from, B. (2003). The great debate: should the Internet be censored? Retrieved April 18, 2011 from