
  • Essay / The Growing Problem of Child Homelessness in America

    It's something many of us are used to regularly seeing standing at the end of an exit ramp with a sign that says "without- sheltered and hungry.” You will see them roaming the streets digging through trash looking for something to eat. We see them everywhere and our first reaction when we see them is to ignore them and not look at them. You especially avoid eye contact with them and automatically label them as someone who is too lazy to go get a job or who is a drug addict or alcoholic and would much rather live on the streets. and even more so, not only adults but also children forced to live on the streets. Homeless people are humans like us. As a homeless person, you face a constant daily fight to stay alive. With the government creating laws that are against them and being mistreated by society on a daily basis and with little to no support at all, it is very difficult to want to survive. Homelessness affects everyone. Regardless of their race, age, ethnicity (Rosenheck, 2007). Stewart B. McKinney's definition of a homeless person is described as someone who “does not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and has a primary night residence. that is: (A) a public or private supervised shelter designed to provide temporary accommodation (homeless, 2009) (B) an institution that provides temporary residence to persons intended for institutionalization (without -shelter, 2009) or (C) a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping place for a human being” (Homeless, 2009). In 1987, the federal government decided to intervene and passed the McKinney Act...... middle of paper ......these are understood in terms of society, culture or even individual values ​​(Mosser, 2010). Relativism and selfishness have spread like seeds in our society. Finding a solution to homelessness, and its causes and effects on a community as well as the individual themselves, is complex. But regardless of skills, interests, age, or resources, there is always a way to make a difference for some homeless men, women, and children (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2006). Works Cited Bonfantini, MA and Proni, G. (1988). To guess or not to guess? In U. Eco & TA Sebeok (Eds.), The sign of three: Dupin, Holmes, Pierce (pp. 112-119). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. An excellent essay on reasoning and the bases of conjectures. Wolf, E. (1990). Distinguished Lecture: Facing Power. American anthropologist, 92, 586-596.