
  • Essay / Discussion on Lowering the Drinking Age in America

    You're finally 18, you can now vote, you can register, you can do whatever you want, but for a reason you cannot buy alcohol. When you turn 18 you are finally considered an adult, so why are you tried as an adult in court, but you can't legally buy alcohol. The drinking age should be lowered as this would improve accountability among young adults and benefit the economy. If you can join the military and risk your life at 18, you should be allowed to make your own decisions about drinking. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Mature enough to risk your life, but not mature enough to drink alcohol in a restaurant. In the United States you can enlist, go to the military, and risk your life, so why can't you buy alcohol? If 18 is the adult age, then it must be consistent. Lowering the legal drinking age would make eighteen year olds more responsible, because teenagers are under the legal drinking age, they don't tend to drink very often, which leads them to binge drinking excessive. In an article written by Shayna Herszage, she states that "90% of all alcohol consumed by young adults and adolescents in the United States is consumed during binge drinking" because adolescents are underage legal when they drink, they tend to drink too much. Lowering the legal age would encourage teenagers to drink more responsibly; alcohol consumption could be done in bars or restaurants where excessive alcohol consumption can be avoided. Besides making them more responsible, it would encourage them to drink in safer places and they wouldn't have to risk anything serious by buying it. Varying from state to state, in some states you can get your gun license at 18, so why can you buy a gun at 18 but you can't buy beer in a restaurant. Overall lowering the drinking age to 18 is a good thing, it would make young adults more responsible and if at 18 you are allowed to enlist in the military then you should be able to make your own decisions about alcohol. help the economy, we always want the economy to improve and continue to improve, lowering the drinking age would be a big boost to the economy. If the drinking age was 18, there would be more people drinking and more stores would make more money. Liquor stores would bring in a lot more money. Young adults and teenagers spend more money on alcohol than any other age group, the alcohol industry makes more people who are not supposed to drink than those who are of legal age, in an article written by Brendan Keany says, “According to the National Center on Substance Abuse and Substance Abuse, underage drinking accounts for 17.5 percent ($22.5 billion) of consumer spending on alcohol. If underage drinkers already make up $22.5 billion, imagine if the drinking age was lowered, the alcohol industry would make even more money. Lowering the legal drinking age would have the same type of economic boost that legalizing marijuana has had in states like Colorado, Seattle, etc. Underage drinking will always happen and setting the legal drinking age at 21 is not effective nor does it help.