
  • Essay / Trump's Travel Ban

    Is One of the Most Powerful Men in the World Also a Known Racist?Say No to Plagiarism. Get a custom essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay On January 27, 2017, United States President Donald Trump signed the first executive order denying refugees entry into the country and temporarily banning those coming from 7 predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen (by Michael D. Shear and Helene Cooper). This was a 90-day visa suspension, excluding visa categories such as diplomats and UN. It was a move to protect the United States from “radical Islamist terrorists,” as Trump said. This question is still controversial until now, but why? I will explore Trump's religious outlook and the influences of his political ideologies: how they influenced the signing of this executive order and why 84% of Republican Republicans surveyed support Trump's decision (by Steven Shepard). On a global scale, I will compare the values ​​of Singapore's PAP with those of Trump, discovering how the two democratic nations contrast in terms of faith and political ideologies that impact their governance. Additionally, I will express my views on this controversial event and outline how it is influenced by my own faith and political ideologies. Trump denies that the travel ban is influenced by discrimination against the Islamic religion, but it is a necessary step. very bad, for security” (By Steve Almasy and Darran Simon, CNN), as he said in an announcement in response to the travel ban decision. Donald Trump is a Republican, which means his political ideologies lie on the far right, making him conservative. This travel ban fits well with Republican ideologies, with one of the major ideologies stating that a strong national defense is vital (per Despite Trump's rejection of allegations that he based this executive order on his personal religious views, what is being scrutinized is how these Republican ideologies are derived. Most of these ideologies are influenced by Judeo-Christian ethics, which suggests that Trump's ban is ultimately influenced by the learned morality of the 10 Commandments - upon which only Republican ideologies are based (by Vladimir Minkov) .A study by the Pew Research Center suggests that 70% of Mormons and 56% of evangelical Christians, both of the Christian faith, in North America are Republicans (by Benjamin Wormald), which justifies the same values ​​for them Republicans than Trump. Trump has many more supporters of the travel ban, including the 84% of Republicans in the GOP (by Shepard, Steven) which is Trump's political party, who also believe the executive order will "make the country safer" ( by Steve Almasy and Darran Simon). Yet in this contentious situation, one must take into account the 9% of GOP Republicans who strongly disapprove of the ban, despite sharing the same political ideologies as Trump and US Republicans. For example, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell calls the travel ban "totally inconsistent" with American values ​​and a few other senators say it's necessary to defend religious freedom (by Makarechi, Kia). Senators Marco Rubio and Tim Scott say: “We [the GOP] are also committed to defending religious freedom and our tradition of providing refuge to those fleeing persecution. » As mentioned previously,Republicans are mostly conservative and nationalist, so they promote traditions. ways of governing. Those Republicans who oppose the Trump ban are forced to pursue their Republican political ideologies due to developments in the country and society as a whole. A study shows that in the first half of the 20th century, Republican ideologies changed, responding to the current trend in society (by Pew Research Center). In addition to this social influence, Republicans largely hold individualistic views, believing in prioritizing the needs of an American individual above all else (per Therefore, emphasizing the priority of the safety of Americans over the safety of a large group of Muslim refugees. A 2016 poll suggests that 58% of all Americans believe diversity will essentially make the nation better (by Bruce Drake and Jacob Poussoir). Nonetheless, Donald Trump's banning an entire religion from entering the country is having a significant impact, causing division among the growing diversity, thereby hindering America's growth as a nation. diverse. However, we need to understand the complexity of the travel ban. Long before the travel ban, the United States had imposed an economic embargo on several countries included in the travel ban, such as Iran, Sudan, and Syria (per the University of Pittsburgh). Therefore, while for many this is a faith-based ban, it also appears to overlap with economic reality. In comparison, we can take a look at a country on the other side of the world: Singapore. Unlike the United States of America, Singapore is a young and diverse nation that has developed modern Western influences over time and nurtured various different cultures. The Singapore government, the PAP, has been the dominant political party since 1959 (by Jeffrey Hays) and has had a great impact on the harmony of a nation in Singapore. The party sits on the center-right on the political spectrum with its main ideological pillars including meritocracy, multiculturalism and communitarianism (per Richmond, Singapore's strong history has an influence on these ideologies due to the ambitions of the first leader of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew). . Singapore had just gained independence from neighboring Malaysia, but remained divided along racial, ethnic and religious lines. Following the tragic race riots of 1964 (by the PAP), Lee Kuan Yew was determined to create a nation where individuals, regardless of race or religious background, could co-exist. “We are going to have a multiracial nation in Singapore. We will lead by example. It is not a Malay nation; it is not a Chinese nation; it is not an Indian nation. Everyone will have their place: equal; language, culture, religion. » (by the PAP) This passionate conviction followed him throughout his career as a political leader and therefore shaped the ideologies that his party, the People's Action Party, still defends today. The PAP places great importance on Singapore acting for the best of the nation as a whole, creating a strong sense of collectivism. This stands in stark contrast to the GOP's more individualistic approach when it comes to making the United States a greater nation (per The government's strong belief in religious harmony is significant because it influences laws. obliged to maintain it. For example, the “Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act” states that a banning order will be put in place against those who incite hatred or enmity between different religious groups..