
  • Essay / The evolution of the Green Ray concept

    Milan's landscape strategy to connect the whole city was launched a few years ago in the form of a Green Ray concept. The Green Rays are a task advanced by the Sector of Planning and Territorial Planning, Urban and Green System of the City of Milan in 2008, for another system of dominant pedestrian and cycle paths that enhance the urban texture with greenery, which would enhance and improve travel. around the city simpler and interconnected. The Green Rays will be urban spaces or pockets shaded by a large number of trees, where you can walk, get lost, run, cycle, relying on the officially present and anticipated green of the urban area. : a garden, a tree. Square lined with parks, urban forests which connect the city by a green corridor. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get an original essayThe task was started by AIM - Metropolitan Interests Association with Studio Land and with the coordinated effort of AISTP and was proposed to the city of Milan, which recognized it as one of its projects to create for the city. The initial ideas of connecting urban pockets leading to 8 green spokes with a normal length of between 7 and 12 km direct: each spoke, starting from the center of the city, lands in one of the largest urban parks around the city . The city was developed with the concept of Green Rays, which would provide a strong link between linear pockets citywide. The idea of ​​making vehicle-free paths more sustainable and pedestrian-dominated paths makes the city more pollution-free. The Green Rays company characterizes and advances another moderate portability, as another green system in the urban texture of Milan. The eight green beams, one for each chosen urban region, start from the interior of the city and extend to the outer districts, converging in a green roundabout at the edge of the city, the future one-way zone of portability imaginable for bicycles and pedestrians for a set. length of 72 kilometers. From the analysis of the officially existing possibilities in the city, the Municipality of Milan with the LAND studio has followed a direction - the "Green Ray" - competent to attract and incorporate, in its path, a progression of proximity and organizations insurance companies which, by participating in this process, find a remodeled character. For about 20 years, LAND has been bringing great landscape design to Italy, starting a progression of juicy theoretical infections taken directly from the Anglo-Saxon world and entirely designed an unexpected culture and situations representative of what was done in Italy. It is not surprising that, for a long time, the experience of Andreas Kipar and Giovanni Sala was unprecedented in a context that was not ready to transmit what was needed in the essential area of ​​arrangement but who sees the social and political significance of the role. The stage intervenes between the various scales, it joins them and favors the type of discourse important to confront the multifaceted character that the immense metropolitan areas impose on organizers today. LAND, thanks to its Italian experience over the last decades, has possessed the ability to locate a main point of contact. The ability to view the outline of a scene as a complex type of social exchange. Only through the difficult development of contact between social needs and the arrangement of open space can a key be discovered that allows satisfaction after a certain time. Milan and its region have been a fundamental ground for experimentation and activity and have sparked the adventure of the Green Raysas part of the Territorial Government Plan (PGT), which will improve the eventual fate of this city. The idea of ​​the Green Rays of Milan was conceived from a need for a common society brought together by the Association for Metropolitan Interests within a working group specially formed in 2003. The announced objective was to give satisfactory response to the ever-increasing need of nationals to reclaim the daily life of our city. The Green Ray, seen as an educational and optional conjunction, intends to anchor differentiation in a city which until now was only linked to the mastery of rapid exchanges: urban strolling is limited to focusing on the craze of urban life. The local party had adopted this proposal, which succeeded after a while and survived an adjustment by the local government. A practical study was commissioned and included in the EXPO 2015 file and the advisors formed a permanent working group for the creation of the Green Rays. This demonstrates the broad consensus that this activity aimed to make Milan's urban texture ever more porous. The Green Rays company characterizes and advances a system of moderate versatility as another green nerve within the urban fabric of Milan. The eight spokes, one from each region of the city, start from the foyer, extend outwards and towards a roundabout, which includes an urban green belt and will contain a pedestrian/cycling route of approximately 72 km direct long. From there, the beams fit into the framework of the Metro woods on a metropolitan scale. Taking as a starting point the examination of the current possibilities of the city, we have recognized a direction in which the green beam is ready to orient itself and includes, with its course, a progression of adjacent and guaranteed universes which find, by participating in the process, a restored personality. The Green Ray association technique encourages an arrangement of existing spaces, some hidden or obscure, others degraded or simply rejected from urban life: a garden, a road, a neighborhood stop, the immense stop urban, these countless small spaces adapted to offer a concise break from metropolitan hyperactivity. The association with the setting, the ability to bring together various patterns and progressions of open spaces, whether gardening or lush, open or contemplative, having a place with a water structure or foundation constitute the essential subjects of this task which includes both the open and the private. The green ray strategy merges with the existing landscape to reflect the history of the new era with a sense of communication and added values. This strategy connecting the city through linear pockets adds value to the city's urban voids. Many of these voids are left behind without being used as space. These pockets can be of different types: junction between streets, voids between viaducts, interior voids of blocks. The idea of ​​connecting Milan and Lugano was a landscape element that gave a strong landscape element by connecting 75 km in length, connecting and passing through Expo 2015. It was a new transformation in the city and through the Green Ray strategy. These spokes connected the city from the north gates to the south gates through stages or series of pockets. Urban voids in Milan Urban voids are the neglected or forgotten spaces of contemporary cities. Spaces are not only used because of their limited functionality, but also because the public does not perceive them at all. Urban voids can be seen as spaces that disrupt the urban fabric, without having a place with a private or, on the contrary, open domain. ¬They are considered external to any relevant link with the subject matterand confused with their environment. Often without work, because they have been made obsolete, by new urban plans or by social and economic factors; or, because of contemporary poor design or the monophilosophy of past urban developments, these spaces satisfy the definition of the simple word they carry. The normal procedure of urban improvement views structures as confined issues and places in the scene, not as characteristic of the larger texture of appropriate roads, squares and open spaces. Choices about development designs rely on a two-dimensional approach to land use plans, without considering the three-dimensional connections between structures and spaces and without a true understanding of human behavior. In Roger Trancik's book "Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design" published in 1986, we can understand why individuals do not see such plans. spaces. Described in a simple two-dimensional layout, organized from below, these spaces have no thought for the nature of open living and impose no real necessity on the user group of the urban context. The user group experiences space in a very unique way, instead of architects, who see the many hidden possibilities that can be deployed and created in such voids. Spaces are meant to be designed in three dimensions. You have to feel the space as a human, a street and a context. Milan's urban voids are classified into five types of voids according to different degrees of transparency and fenced in the area around the city: The first is the space at the entrance to the building. which establishes the essential progress, or entry, from an individual area to a typical domain. The second is the space between blocks - a semi-private space for recreation or utility or a commercial source in the desert in the middle of the block for broadcasting or rest. The third This type of void is the streets and public nodes that constitute the essential system, a class that relates to the dominant field of squares and that contains the open and dynamic existence of the city. Green spaces and public gardens are the fourth type of larger voids that appear differently. in relation to a compositional urban fabric. Last but not least, an urban void is the direct open space setting, normally identified with significant water features, for example, waterfronts, streams and wetlands. In our contemporary urban communities, many spaces are left aside and obscured. For example, the urban texture under and around the flyovers of monstrous transport supply routes, spaces that are often invisible to nationals. Even if the number of individuals accompanying them is critical, they are completely imperceptible to their eyes. They are there, but people are not ready to see them. By leading individuals to realize the sensorimotor phase of advancing their urban knowledge, through our business plan, we intend to make urban texture clients attentive to these spaces. Not only to be seen as the physical structures they are intended to be, our motivation is to inspire individuals to see and experience these spaces in a way typically reserved for architects. They have the capacity to be places with “surprising and obscure” outcomes, places with social, cultural, and empowering capacities. Green corridors are a basic segment of the biological systems of urban areas; they are a strong response to natural problems. They have a double reason. Despite their biological role in developing pure vision and helping individuals toliving in better networks, they contribute to access to courses and improve personal satisfaction, particularly social life. Therefore, they should be considered as an element of the general natural environment system of the entire city. Green corridor plans provide an auxiliary system of scenic routes to achieve and complete the green foundation structure. Milan has a considerable number of these green corridors, which give a decent chance of creating high-caliber neighborhood green networks. The improvement of Zona Farini, which runs through Green Ray in Milan, could be the fundamental hub to build up the number of open spaces and create an attractive urban condition. Green corridors provide a green network, which serves to reconnect people with nature, so they provide rapid benefits to individuals and extend the adequacy of these benefits to networks. The idea of ​​the “green corridor” alludes to a green space connecting all the linear pockets and contains the related ideas of environmental, cultural, social, recreational and economic valorization of the territory. Moreover, it is considered as a multifunctional area design and administration space. Generally speaking, greenway is a general term used to combine an assortment of straight green spaces, including the layout and planning of cycle paths from networks to natural passage controlling wildlife for regular relocation; from the urban waterfront to the shaded path along the city's banks. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of strengthening green urban areas and connecting sections of green spaces with biological passages to improve biodiversity and dispersal of creature species inside the urban scene. If defined satisfactorily, green corridors can improve urban ventilation, by allowing cooler air from outside to enter the most densely built areas, and thus reduce the impact of city blocks. urban heat. Urban green areas can also affect human well-being and adaptation to environmental changes. Limiting vegetation to hold water is a critical surge control factor that can reduce higher discharges. Green spaces in urban communities can also provide cooling through shading and enhanced evapotranspiration, reducing the impact of heat islands that occurs in many urban areas. Green areas are regularly weakened by the expansion of urban structures, which have divided characteristic regions, creating small repairs of green space between structures and streets. For example, urban forest patches are generally isolated from each other, which influences the ability of many forest species to disperse or move between diverse areas with comparable environments. Natural halls or associations between urban forests, gardens or other green spaces are seen as an approach to limit the negative impacts of the divide. Creating green zones and corridors can be appropriate in most urban areas. The wide exposure of accessible methods allows application in territories with completely different qualities and even where space is limited. Systems incorporate, for example, green roofs and partitions that use vegetation on roofs and structural cladding to provide cooling in summer and protection from heat in winter. Greenways can be established on abandoned platforms (Fabos, 1996). Given the notable heritage and social values ​​of 1995).