
  • Essay / True strength and courage are gained through trials...

    True strength and courage are gained through trials and experiences…. Which situation would you rather find yourself in, being raped and trying to find your rapist and putting him in prison only to find out eleven years later that you had the wrong person or be that person wrongly accused of spending eleven years in prison for something? something you haven't done? Jennifer was raped while in her apartment and she is trying to find and put this person in prison. Ronald is the person accused of the rape; Jennifer didn't know that she had just put Ronald in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Eleven years is how long Ronald had to spend in prison until he finally proved his innocence. Jennifer and Ronald had to show courage and strength to overcome the ordeal they experienced. Jennifer's struggle only lasted a short while, she had to go through the rape, identify the rapist and try to ask Ronald for forgiveness. Ronald, on the other hand, had to spend eleven years in prison, forgive the person who put him in prison, and survive all the challenges of prison. These reasons explain why Ronald is stronger than Jennifer. Eleven years of struggling in prison and at the same time trying to find ways to prove your innocence is not an easy task. Ronald managed to do this and was still able to move on with his life after the whole incident. All it took was a single finger pointing for his life to deteriorate (39-40). Most people would lose patience or simply give up trying to prove their innocence, not Ronald Cotton. Ronald continued to try to find ways to prove that he is innocent; like asking to take the DNA test to prove one's virtue. Eleven years in prison is not easy, Ronald had to face a lot of things in the middle of a paper...... I would still have the courage and strength to try to identify the man who raped you, but eleven years in prison and still managing to forgive the person you put yourself in prison is an even more difficult torture to endure. Ronald had managed to spend eleven years in prison, forgive the person who put him in prison, and survive all the challenges of prison. If I were Ronald, I would do my best to get revenge on the person who put me in prison. Forgiving Jennifer and not trying to get redemption from Jennifer makes him a very strong person. He can't get back those eleven years he lost, but he didn't want to look back and just face the future and make his life better than he had hoped. Strength is something that Ronald and Jennifer certainly possessed, but Ronald's struggles and trials make him a stronger person than Jennifer..