
  • Essay / Mark Twain - 888

    Mark Twain has often been accused of being racist because of his derogatory writings about African Americans in Huckleberry Finn, but he is truly an uneducated satirical novelist who draws inspiration from his own childhood experiences, his travels, and political movements, to make fun of what is wrong within his society. Critics such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People have complained about the "N" language and the use of Jim the slave in Huckleberry Finn, stating that the book was racist, although Mark Twain clearly demonstrated racial equality in Huckleberry Finn when he said, "Fine, I'll go to hell" and was unable to tell the truth and return his friend to slavery or when he said, "Just because you were taught something right, and everyone thinks it's right, that doesn't make it right. He even went so far as to have Huck and Tom do crazy things to free Jim from slavery, like rob him and float down the Mississippi River on the raft. Due to angry reviews, and despite critics such as Ernest Hemingway defending it by stating that "every part of modern literature is based on Huckleberry Finn", it was removed from library shelves in 1885 and the Schools removed it from their readings in 1950. .Mark Twain wrote this book at a time when slavery was acceptable and the "N" word was used in the common language. An era often referred to by historians as the Gilded Age, which was ironically coined by Charles Dudley and Mark Twain, based on their book called The Gilded Age; A Tale Of Today, which told the story of Mark Twain's move from Florida to Hannibal, Missouri. , through the Hawkins migration and the greed that existed after the Civil War and the Reconstruction period. It was quite common that Mark T...... middle of paper ...... The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn section discussed human behaviors, Aunt Polly (who was Mark Twain's mother) represented kindness and Tom represented the mischief the boys would do. Bernard De Voto would further assert: “More widely and more deeply than anyone who has ever written books, he shared the life of America. Printer, pilot, soldier, silver miner, gold prospector, child of two emigrants, pilgrim… He wrote books that have something eternally true at the heart of the life of his nation. defend slavery, but against all the wrongs he saw committed during his time, such as social class, and sometimes try to encourage humor by saying quotes such as "For your race, in its poverty , undoubtedly has a weapon of laughter... Against the onslaught of laughter, nothing can resist." (Mark Twain, Mystery Stranger).