
  • Essay / The Pulp of Color - 1621

    The rivalry between men's rights and women's rights has been a fierce battle for decades. In The Color Purple, Alice Walker depicts a patriarchal society created by and for men. In this system, women struggle to gain a voice. An example is the protagonist, Celie, who, from the beginning of her life, was the victim of sexual, mental and physical abuse at the hands of her stepfather and also her husband. Due to this unequal system where women are considered nothing without a man, Celie develops a passive character only doing what men command. However, thanks to the unconditional support of the women around her, she finally achieves her liberation and independence. Consequently, his emancipation generates an opportunity to make him aware of his individuality and his inner strength. From the beginning of the novel, the patriarchal and misogynistic society of which Célie is part is shown. This harmful environment affects many aspects of his life. The initial system exposed is the patriarchy of his father-in-law, Alphonso, who is characterized as a petty, disgraceful and malicious old man. He is the first to sexually abuse Célie. “Just say you’re going to do what your mom wouldn’t do.” First he put his thing against my hip and kind of wiggled. Then he grabs my breasts. Then he pushed his thing into my pussy. » (1) Alphonso aggressively took away her virginity as well as her innocence since there was no familiar attachment with her. Moreover, in addition to being sexual abuse, it also seems physiological that he makes her believe that it is his duty to give her the satisfactions that her mother refuses. Additionally, Alphonso also harms Celie emotionally by taking away her children, Adam and Olivia, as well as making her feel inferior, compared... middle of paper ...... e as a wife's duty and not do it for man. . “I was trying to sew with mom because that’s what she always did. But everyone made fun of me. But you know, I liked it. »(279) To be part of society, he gives up something he loves. His view of the world completely changes, as does his opinion of women. He starts making t-shirts and with each stitch he forgets and forgives while fixing his mistakes. This thus shows the extended metaphor of making t-shirts that represent forgiveness and repentance to accompany pants made out of love. After all, Mr.____ understood that it was a stupid rule and that as Celie, he would not care about other people's opinions but his own. Achieving equality is a difficult task in our society but is not impossible. A place where women and men could be on the same level would make our society healthier..