
  • Essay / Dystopian Comparisons - 1439

    In the book A Clockwork Orange, the Harrison Burgeron short stories, The Lottery and the films Gattaca and Truman Show by Anthony Burgess, Kurt Vonnegut, Shirly Jackson, Andrew Niccol and Peter Wier respectively. These literary (and cinematic) works all have a society that controls and manipulates the individual or protagonist. Society does this because it wants total control over both the individual and society as a whole. A Clockwork Orange is a futuristic look at England. Where teenagers rule the streets and disregard the somewhat prevailing laws of society. The novel's main character, fifteen-year-old Alex, and his three droogs (friends) Pete, Georgie and Dim, engage in acts of random violence and utter destruction all night long. Alex is ultimately betrayed by his so-called brothers and arrested by the police for killing an innocent woman. He is taken to prison, where he eventually participates in the "Ludovico Technique", where Alex is "reconditioned" into a model citizen, by being forced to watch films of things he had once loved, including; beating people, raping young women, and participating in random acts of violence. “After this treatment, you will be able to re-enter society as a respectable member of it.” (p. 132) This demonstrates that society is manipulating and controlling the main character because Alex is forced to participate in a program that he does not want to be apart of. Additionally, society completely changes Alex's personality to one that is more "acceptable" to society. Another example of society trying to manipulate Alex is when F. Alexander attempts to push Alex into committing suicide to cover up the flashback of the experiment. This is an example of society manipulating Alex not only to be... middle of paper ... because society is manipulating Truman's life and the events that take place in it to ensure that he does not doesn't want to leave. Also, when Truman starts to realize that he is on television or at least something is happening, he tries to escape, but every time he tries to escape it seems like... it is impossible to escape. This is an example of society controlling Truman to their advantage because they don't care about Truman but just keeping him on the island. They try to create things that would prevent him from doing things. An example of this is when he went to the travel agency and there was a poster of a plane crashing and lists of things that could happen during the vacation. This also amounts to manipulating Truman into believing that traveling is a bad thing when in reality it is the authority that does not want him to travel..