
  • Essay / Analysis of the 21 irrefutable laws of...

    The premise is that you cannot teach or expect what you do not show yourself to be. A leader will find that his followers are neither honest, punctual, nor enthusiastic if he does not demonstrate these qualities. If people don't follow the example set by a leader, it's not that leader, they follow him. The law of priorities “Activity does not equal productivity. Activity is not necessarily an accomplishment. This is why leaders must set priorities; they must always be thinking ahead and knowing how everything relates to the big picture. A leader must be able to recognize when it is necessary to reprioritize as situations evolve. The law of sacrifice “There is no success without sacrifice. » Sacrifices of time and money to seek knowledge, time and sweat to seek high levels of physical performance. These efforts to succeed cost money, time spent away from our loved ones and many other possible losses. “Leaders are often asked to give up more than others. » This principle is well ingrained in the Marine Corps; A leader, at any level in the Marine Corps, is expected to care for those he leads before himself. This is demonstrated most visually when the Marines eat; when a platoon forms to eat, it is by rank. The lowest will always receive food before the senior ranking of the group. It is through this that Marines are continually reminded to care for those in their care before themselves. Success