
  • Essay / Online vs. Traditional Classes: Examining Both Sides of the Debate

    We all know those nerdy computer guru types who have minimal social skills but are expert hackers and can spend hours alone locked in their caves. These are the type of people who can succeed in online courses. However, online teaching is not feasible for students who need face-to-face guidance from a live professor, who are not computer experts, and who want a credible degree that will enable them to get a good job. For me, there are several benefits to being in a classroom with a teacher. The knowledge and notes they provide on the fly have been invaluable. In a classroom, the student can ask all their questions, receive them and respond immediately. Additionally, the professor can get to know the students and provide them with the specific support they may need. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayMy major in school is software development. I have what I think is above average knowledge of computers, but there are a lot of things I don't know. In a traditional school, resources are available for those who need them. Services like computer labs, libraries, and tutoring are all part of getting the knowledge you need. Students do not need to worry about having the latest and up-to-date materials as it will be available at the school facilities. According to a 2013 Gallop pole, the majority of Americans still view the traditional degree as superior to the online degree. Most respondents, 68 percent, rated 4-year schools as “excellent” or “good,” while 64 percent rated community colleges as highly as 4-year schools. Only 13 percent of respondents said an online degree would be viewed positively by employers and only 11 percent felt that online schools' tests and ratings were trustworthy. Even though the public perception of online degrees has changed, many employers still prefer a degree from a traditional college. Even though traditional schooling isn't for everyone, it's what works best for me. Professors are available for face-to-face interactions and to answer student questions. Those who don't have the technology to learn online have resources they can use on campus. The degree I will earn by attending a traditional school remains the preferred education in the job market. There are many reasons why someone would choose traditional school over online school and here are some of mine..