
  • Essay / Ford Motor Company Business Analysis - 1245

    During my research, I will discuss the best case options for Ford Motor Company. The best backup plan for flexibility and decision-making. How to create an effective action plan. Also identify three steps to developing a workable plan and why they are important. Finally, discuss the best option for the business and the reasons for it. Case Options Ford Motor Company is one of the most important automobile manufacturers over the past 100 years. In recent years, Ford Motor Company has lost money. In an effort to save the company, we will analyze three different plans to realign the company. The first option is to close the oldest factories. Hoping that the closure of older factories would in turn realign production and sales. Buying out workers and closing factories is expensive. On the other hand, this leaves a window open on the willingness to acquire Ford automobiles in the event of a shortage. This would encourage consumers to shop with other competitors. Grand strategies are a broad strategic plan used to help organizations achieve their goals. Three types of strategies are therefore growth, stability and retrenchment/recovery (Williams, 2010). The first option, closing older plants, is an example of a restructuring strategy. This option should be considered because after closing some factories and reducing the workforce, the company will save a lot of money. This will allow other plants to recover and balance. For example, Sears saw a sharp decline in revenue and began cutting costs and cutting jobs (Williams, 2010). A year later, Sears' exit strategy returned and was successful about a year later (Williams, 2010). Hopefully the same... middle of paper ......s I would sell the premium auto group, stop producing the SUV and truck lines for now. I would refocus and design cars that were smaller, more environmentally friendly and more fuel efficient. This will return to Henry Ford's vision. Henry Ford's vision was to produce affordable cars for the general public. I would also push the export of these cars abroad. Since cars have been accepted internationally, a better designed car would be just as accepted as cars are now. I would sell PAG because they lose billions of dollars a year and don't sell much. I would stop producing large SUVs and trucks for the time being. The economy is doing well and families cannot afford the price of these vehicles. Simply eliminate them and cut your losses. Works Cited Williams, Chuck (2010) Management. Mason, Ohio. Cengage Learning.