
  • Essay / The Role of Values ​​in American Culture

    The word value has many meanings. Firstly, it means the value of something that can be exchanged for a sum of money, but it can also mean a person's morals, principles and standards. Values ​​have a lot to do with ethics since they both primarily concern the treatment of moral principles. This topic is extremely delicate because every person has values ​​but they differ from culture to culture and religion can affect our values ​​and it can be affected by many other factors. So, as the values ​​are different, it is difficult to define them, because everything is not black or white, neither wrong nor right. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayMy law might be very different from someone else's and vice versa. But there is a simple way to know where values ​​come from and it might make defining them easier: most people learn their values ​​from their parents who learned theirs from their society, their culture, their religion and perhaps be even from their life experiences, some people even argue that our values ​​are something we are born with. Values ​​are very important because it helps us interact with other members of society and integrate as well, and it also helps us make choices if something goes against your values ​​in your list of options , then you probably won't, and that means that values ​​determine our actions and our actions represent us. Values ​​have many sources and a person's age determines the societal sources. Firstly, as a young child a person gets their values ​​from their family, especially their parents and older siblings, young children begin to learn right and wrong in a very simple. and as they grow up, they begin to learn from their teachers, and even from television programs. This is why parents need to be aware of what their children should and should not watch, especially if it goes against their values, as children tend to absorb a lot of information from cartoons and others. Teenagers get their values ​​from each other and they tend to test and examine their values ​​a little more. An adult has some sort of fixed values ​​that he believes in and he examines his values ​​and thinks about them. Values ​​also come from other sources, first of all religion, religions guide people who follow them to have certain values ​​since most religions really focus on ethical and moral principles. Culture is another source of values, each culture having different values, some are very similar. and some are very different, history is also extremely important since studies have shown that after wars or any major events occurring in a given period, changes in values ​​occur. Social media is the new source of value. Social media allows people around the world to connect and share information, which has created a very real virtual community of values. Young adults are the most people who get their values ​​from social media and it's hard to know if that's the case. the wrong or right path to follow. Another source that people might debate is the natural factors some people suggest that people have natural morals that are not taught, they are just there naturally,..