
  • Essay / Main themes of the film Ambassador

    The plot of the film and the main charactersOur film opens with a fade-out to a view from space, although it is not the solar system we know . Instead, the camera zooms in on a colossal green planet. In the distance, we see other planets orbiting a huge star. As we continue to zoom in on this alien planet, we focus more and more on one of the moons orbiting it. Getting closer and closer, we as an audience realize that it is not a moon, but in fact a massive spaceship (think "Death Star"). Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get the original essay The center of this ship contains the largest coliseum ever built – a monument of engineering, it houses 10 million occupants – simply unfathomable. The problem is that as we zoom faster, downward, through the stands of cheers and applause, we realize that there are no humans witnessing the occasion on the floor of the battle ring, but hundreds of different species of intelligent alien life. Some are grotesque, others curiously appealing. And as the zoom begins to slow down as we reach the bottom of the Colosseum, we feel more comfortable as an audience when we witness a minority – a small group of human spectators (maybe 50 ) at ringside. They nervously observe what is happening in the middle of the Colosseum. Hero of Humans, Ambassador on Earth. This man is fighting not only for his survival, but also for the continuity of the human race. If he perished in battle, the Galactic Myrrians, an incredibly strong and intelligent race, would disintegrate Earth, eliminating humans from existence. The Myrrians, through the battles they have orchestrated, attempt to find a worthy opponent in the Galaxy, while eliminating the rest of the Inferiors in the Milky Way. Godric stands in the ring, in full armor and armed with a large proton spear. – a weapon that every ambassador uses in combat. In contrast, a large, crocodile-like alien smiles at his smaller opponent – ​​an easy victory. Godric was chosen by the Myrrians because of his heroism in the war between the humans and the kleptics, a race that aimed to destroy the humans in 2849 AD – a war that the humans had won and a race that Godric defends Today. Eager to avenge the death of his brothers, the Klepticus is fierce and ready for battle; the loser faces irreversible consequences. Godric turns back to the stands, and a beautiful woman, Abigail, the love of his life, turns and smiles at him. Their love is undeniable – it's the only thing that drives Godric. He and the Kleptic fight, and Godric's agility and cunning overcome the Kleptic's brute strength. Godric emerges victorious and the Myrrians announce the destruction of Kleptos. A grid with only about twenty planets remaining displays a bright yellow one that suddenly disappears. The familiar blue orb of Earth still glows along with the few other remaining planets. This first meeting between Godric and the Kleptic takes place around the middle of his stay on the Myrrian ship. He fought valiantly to ensure the survival of the human race, but also to be able to be with Abigail again. The film returns to before humans are asked to represent their race with an ambassador, and the audience is able to better understand Godric, Abigail, and the series of events that led to the Myrrian ship. Godric has Hector- similar qualities: he loves his wife, he led the human army against the Kleptics..