
  • Essay / Methodology for Analysis - 1621

    Methodology for AnalysisKenneth Burke, “The rhetorical theorist and critic who has probably had the greatest impact on rhetorical criticism as it is practiced today” (¬Foss , 2009, 63), revealed to the world the methodology of cluster analysis with the aim of better understanding the worldview of a rhetorician. In Samy Charnine's non-discursive paintings, words seem to explode off the canvas and onto anyone viewing his work. The cluster analysis method involves collecting these words, or key terms, and examining the items that appear to cluster around them, resulting in four steps of the method. Burke believed that the terms one is able to piece together from a discursive or non-discursive artifact form the rhetorician's terminsite screen and become a means of showing others, consciously or unconsciously, values, morals and things that the rhetorician considers to be important. importance in life. Both verbal and visual communication evidenced in an artifact can be equally important (Mukarovsky, 1977). Charnine’s paintings take a pro-sustainability stance that needs to be explored further in three steps. The first step is to find the key terms that stand out in an artifact based on their frequency and intensity. Any word that continually comes to mind when examining the rhetorician's work will be important. An anaphora is a rhetorical device that uses repetition to elaborate on the idea presented by the critic. In an argumentative ecological essay by Wallace Stegner, he explains: “We must demonstrate our acceptance of the natural world, including ourselves…we need the spiritual refreshment that being natural can produce” (Stegner, 2000, 534 ). In this case, the frequency of saying “...... middle of paper ......& L. Runciman (Ed.) A Forest of Voices 2nd edition: Conversations in Ecology, (532-539). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company. The gift of the environment: divine response and human responsibility. (2007). International Journal of Heritage Studies, 13(4/5), 420-424. doi:10.1080/13527250701383836Thérèse Enos. (1996). Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from Ancient Times. New York: Garland Publishing. Tsepeneag, D. (2008). Dreamlike. Review of Contemporary Fiction, 28(3), 112-122,157. Retrieved May 6, 2011, from Research Library Core. (Document ID: 1613650121). Vanderziel, K. M. (1992). Hatfield riders and environmental preservation: what approach to expect? Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 19(2), 431. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.Wilson, E.O. (1992). The diversity of life. Biodiversity and conservation 2, 2(3), 327-330.